Begonia Pictures

Date: April 03, 2023 April 03, 2023
Total Images: 51 51
Views: 42 42
Emily Johnson
A Captivating Close-Up of a Begonia Flower
A Captivating Close-Up of a Begonia Flower
Views: 37 times37
Delicate Begonia Petals in Soft Hues
Delicate Begonia Petals in Soft Hues
Views: 34 times34
Begonia: A Flower Worth Admiring
Begonia: A Flower Worth Admiring
Views: 34 times34
A Begonia that Will Leave You Mesmerized
A Begonia that Will Leave You Mesmerized
Views: 36 times36
A Begonia that Will Leave You in Awe
A Begonia that Will Leave You in Awe
Views: 34 times34
Begonias Galore: The Perfect Photo for Any Flower Lover
Begonias Galore: The Perfect Photo for Any Flower Lover
Views: 34 times34
A Colorful Begonia Display to Brighten Up Your Day
A Colorful Begonia Display to Brighten Up Your Day
Views: 42 times42
The Perfect Picture of a Begonia for Your Desktop Background
The Perfect Picture of a Begonia for Your Desktop Background
Views: 36 times36
A Begonia That Stands Out in a Crowd
A Begonia That Stands Out in a Crowd
Views: 36 times36
A Unique Begonia Species You Need to See
A Unique Begonia Species You Need to See
Views: 35 times35
The Artistry of Begonias: A Picture Perfect Display
The Artistry of Begonias: A Picture Perfect Display
Views: 33 times33
Flower of the Day: Gorgeous Begonia Blossoms
Flower of the Day: Gorgeous Begonia Blossoms
Views: 33 times33
A Begonia That Will Make You Want to Stop and Smell the Flowers
A Begonia That Will Make You Want to Stop and Smell the Flowers
Views: 35 times35
A Begonia That Will Make You Fall in Love with Flowers All Over Again
A Begonia That Will Make You Fall in Love with Flowers All Over Again
Views: 35 times35
A Beautiful Begonia to Brighten Your Day
A Beautiful Begonia to Brighten Your Day
Views: 33 times33
A Begonia in Its Natural Habitat: A Close-Up in the Wild
A Begonia in Its Natural Habitat: A Close-Up in the Wild
Views: 34 times34
Flower Photography: Capturing the Elegance of Begonias
Flower Photography: Capturing the Elegance of Begonias
Views: 34 times34
Begonias That Will Take Your Breath Away: A Stunning Image Compilation
Begonias That Will Take Your Breath Away: A Stunning Image Compilation
Views: 35 times35
The Beauty of Begonias: A Photo Collection Worth Sharing
The Beauty of Begonias: A Photo Collection Worth Sharing
Views: 38 times38
The Many Hues of Begonias: A Stunning Image Collection
The Many Hues of Begonias: A Stunning Image Collection
Views: 33 times33
Lovely Begonia Blossom in Vibrant Colors
Lovely Begonia Blossom in Vibrant Colors
Views: 38 times38
Flower Power: The Magic of Begonias in One Image
Flower Power: The Magic of Begonias in One Image
Views: 36 times36
A Begonia That Will Make You Appreciate the Little Things in Life
A Begonia That Will Make You Appreciate the Little Things in Life
Views: 34 times34
A Begonia That Will Make Your Garden Pop with Color
A Begonia That Will Make Your Garden Pop with Color
Views: 37 times37
A Picture Perfect Begonia for Your Collection
A Picture Perfect Begonia for Your Collection
Views: 40 times40
A Begonia That Will Make Your Heart Skip a Beat
A Begonia That Will Make Your Heart Skip a Beat
Views: 34 times34
The Beauty of Begonias: An Image to Remember
The Beauty of Begonias: An Image to Remember
Views: 33 times33
A Begonia Worth a Thousand Words
A Begonia Worth a Thousand Words
Views: 37 times37
Get Inspired: Creative Ways to Use Begonias in Your Landscaping
Get Inspired: Creative Ways to Use Begonias in Your Landscaping
Views: 39 times39
A Begonia that's Too Beautiful to Ignore
A Begonia that's Too Beautiful to Ignore
Views: 37 times37
Captivating Begonia in Full Bloom
Captivating Begonia in Full Bloom
Views: 34 times34
The Magic of Begonias: A Photo That Will Leave You Spellbound
The Magic of Begonias: A Photo That Will Leave You Spellbound
Views: 36 times36
A Begonia that Shines Brighter Than the Sun
A Begonia that Shines Brighter Than the Sun
Views: 36 times36
Stunning Begonia Flower in Close-Up
Stunning Begonia Flower in Close-Up
Views: 35 times35
Begonia: A Flower That Will Impress Everyone
Begonia: A Flower That Will Impress Everyone
Views: 37 times37
The Beauty of a Begonia in Full View
The Beauty of a Begonia in Full View
Views: 38 times38
Begonia: A Symbol of Elegance and Beauty
Begonia: A Symbol of Elegance and Beauty
Views: 37 times37
Begonia: A Flower That Will Never Disappoint
Begonia: A Flower That Will Never Disappoint
Views: 35 times35
A Close-Up of a Begonia's Intricate Details
A Close-Up of a Begonia's Intricate Details
Views: 34 times34
A Begonia That Will Steal Your Heart
A Begonia That Will Steal Your Heart
Views: 34 times34
Radiant Begonia in Shades of Red
Radiant Begonia in Shades of Red
Views: 35 times35
Graceful Begonia in Shades of Pink
Graceful Begonia in Shades of Pink
Views: 34 times34
A Photo of a Begonia You'll Fall in Love With
A Photo of a Begonia You'll Fall in Love With
Views: 35 times35
A Begonia to Brighten Up Your Home
A Begonia to Brighten Up Your Home
Views: 34 times34
The Bold and Beautiful Begonia: An Image to Remember
The Bold and Beautiful Begonia: An Image to Remember
Views: 34 times34
Begonia: A Floral Masterpiece
Begonia: A Floral Masterpiece
Views: 33 times33
10 Stunning Begonia Varieties to Add to Your Garden
10 Stunning Begonia Varieties to Add to Your Garden
Views: 36 times36
Flower Power: A Beautiful Begonia in Full Bloom
Flower Power: A Beautiful Begonia in Full Bloom
Views: 35 times35
Begonias That Will Take Your Garden to the Next Level: A Stunning Image Gallery
Begonias That Will Take Your Garden to the Next Level: A Stunning Image Gallery
Views: 40 times40
A Begonia for Every Season: From Spring to Winter
A Begonia for Every Season: From Spring to Winter
Views: 37 times37
Begonia: A Flower Fit for Royalty
Begonia: A Flower Fit for Royalty
Views: 37 times37

Begonia: The Beautiful Flower of the Tropics


The begonia is a beautiful flowering plant that belongs to the family Begoniaceae. This family of plants includes more than 1,800 different species of plants that are native to tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The begonia is known for its vibrant and colorful flowers, which come in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes. In this article, we will take a closer look at the begonia, its history, and some interesting facts about this beautiful flower.

History of Begonias

The begonia was first discovered in the late 17th century by a French botanist named Charles Plumier. Plumier named the plant after his friend Michel Bégon, who was a governor of the French colony of Saint-Domingue, which is now known as Haiti. The first begonias were brought to Europe in the early 18th century, and they quickly became popular among gardeners and plant collectors. Today, begonias are grown all over the world and are a popular choice for gardens, parks, and indoor spaces.

Types of Begonias

There are many different types of begonias, each with its own unique characteristics and growing requirements. Some of the most popular types of begonias include:

Tuberous Begonias

Tuberous begonias are known for their large, showy flowers, which come in a wide range of colors. These plants grow from tubers, which are similar to bulbs, and they are typically grown in pots or hanging baskets. Tuberous begonias are popular for their long bloom time, which can last from late spring to early fall.

Fibrous Begonias

Fibrous begonias are the most common type of begonia and are often used as bedding plants. These plants have small, delicate flowers and come in a wide range of colors, including pink, red, white, and yellow. Fibrous begonias are typically grown from seed and can be grown in pots or in the ground.

Rex Begonias

Rex begonias are known for their striking foliage, which comes in a wide range of colors and patterns. These plants are grown for their leaves rather than their flowers, and they are typically grown indoors or in shady outdoor areas. Rex begonias are popular for their unique and colorful foliage, which can add a dramatic touch to any room or garden.

Rhizomatous Begonias

Rhizomatous begonias are known for their thick, fleshy stems and their unique foliage. These plants are typically grown for their leaves rather than their flowers, and they come in a wide range of colors and patterns. Rhizomatous begonias are popular for their easy care and are often used as houseplants.

Growing Begonias

Begonias are relatively easy to grow, and they can be grown in a wide range of conditions. Most types of begonias prefer bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. They also require regular watering and fertilization to keep them healthy and blooming.

Planting Begonias

Begonias can be grown from seed, tubers, or cuttings. If you are planting tuberous begonias, it is best to start them indoors in late winter or early spring. Plant the tubers in a well-draining potting mix, and water them regularly. Once the danger of frost has passed, you can transplant the begonias into your garden or into hanging baskets.

Care for Begonias

Begonias require regular watering and fertilization to keep them healthy and blooming. Water your begonias regularly, but be careful not to overwater them, as this can lead to root rot. Fertilize your begonias once a month with a balanced fertilizer, and be sure to remove any dead or yellowing leaves to promote healthy growth.

Pests and Diseases

Begonias are relatively pest and disease-resistant, but they can be susceptible to a few common problems. The most common pests that affect begonias include spider mites, thrips, and aphids. These pests can be controlled with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Begonias can also be susceptible to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and botrytis. These diseases can be prevented by providing good air circulation and avoiding overhead watering.

Interesting Facts about Begonias


The begonia is a beautiful and versatile flowering plant that is popular among gardeners and plant collectors around the world. With their vibrant colors, unique foliage, and long bloom time, begonias are a great choice for gardens, parks, and indoor spaces. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or just starting out, the begonia is a great plant to add to your collection.

Frequently asked questions about Begonia wallpapers

What kind of pictures can I find in the "Begonia" category?
In the "Begonia" category, you can find high-quality pictures of Begonia flowers. These pictures are perfect for anyone who loves flowers and wants to use them for personal or commercial purposes.
How many pictures are available in the "Begonia" category?
Currently, we have 51 pictures available in the "Begonia" category. We are constantly adding new pictures to our collection, so be sure to check back regularly for updates.
Can I download the pictures for free?
Yes, all the pictures in the "Begonia" category are available for free download. You can choose from different file types such as .jpg, .png, and .webp, and also different sizes (width and height).
Do I need to create an account to download the pictures?
No, you do not need to create an account to download the pictures. All the pictures in the "Begonia" category are available for free download without any registration.
Can I use the pictures for commercial purposes?
Yes, you can use the pictures in the "Begonia" category for commercial purposes. However, please note that you cannot resell the pictures as they are. You can use them in your projects such as websites, social media posts, and advertisements.
What is the resolution of the pictures in the "Begonia" category?
The resolution of the pictures in the "Begonia" category varies depending on the size you choose. We provide different sizes for each picture, and you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Additionally, our website automatically detects the visitor's mobile screen size and chooses the right size for the visitor.
Can I modify the pictures in the "Begonia" category?
Yes, you can modify the pictures in the "Begonia" category. You can crop, resize, and edit the pictures as per your requirements.
Do I need to credit the website if I use the pictures in the "Begonia" category?
No, you do not need to credit the website if you use the pictures in the "Begonia" category. However, we would appreciate it if you could link back to our website or mention us in your project.
Are the pictures in the "Begonia" category royalty-free?
Yes, all the pictures in the "Begonia" category are royalty-free. You can use them for personal or commercial purposes without paying any royalties or fees.
What if I cannot find the picture I am looking for in the "Begonia" category?
If you cannot find the picture you are looking for in the "Begonia" category, you can try searching for it using our search bar. Alternatively, you can contact us, and we will try our best to find the picture you need.