Common evening Primrose Pictures

Date: April 03, 2023 April 03, 2023
Total Images: 53 53
Views: 53 53
Emily Johnson
Awe-inspiring photo of Common evening Primrose in a close-up shot
Awe-inspiring photo of Common evening Primrose in a close-up shot
Views: 43 times43
Breathtaking photo of Common evening Primrose with a bokeh effect
Breathtaking photo of Common evening Primrose with a bokeh effect
Views: 45 times45
Striking image of Common evening Primrose with a blurred foreground
Striking image of Common evening Primrose with a blurred foreground
Views: 49 times49
Mesmerizing image of Common evening Primrose with dew drops on petals
Mesmerizing image of Common evening Primrose with dew drops on petals
Views: 77 times77
Beautiful photo of Common evening Primrose with a blurred background
Beautiful photo of Common evening Primrose with a blurred background
Views: 46 times46
Gorgeous picture of Common evening Primrose in a field of flowers
Gorgeous picture of Common evening Primrose in a field of flowers
Views: 47 times47
Lovely image of Common evening Primrose with a bee on it
Lovely image of Common evening Primrose with a bee on it
Views: 49 times49
Majestic image of Common evening Primrose in the wild
Majestic image of Common evening Primrose in the wild
Views: 47 times47
Beautiful picture of Common evening Primrose in a vase
Beautiful picture of Common evening Primrose in a vase
Views: 47 times47
Picture-perfect Common evening Primrose in a meadow
Picture-perfect Common evening Primrose in a meadow
Views: 51 times51
Vibrant picture of Common evening Primrose against a blue sky
Vibrant picture of Common evening Primrose against a blue sky
Views: 46 times46
Captivating image of Common evening Primrose at sunset
Captivating image of Common evening Primrose at sunset
Views: 45 times45
Stunning photo of Common evening Primrose in full bloom
Stunning photo of Common evening Primrose in full bloom
Views: 47 times47
Exquisite photo of Common evening Primrose with a yellow hue
Exquisite photo of Common evening Primrose with a yellow hue
Views: 49 times49
Amazing image of Common evening Primrose with a pink hue
Amazing image of Common evening Primrose with a pink hue
Views: 50 times50
Incredible image of Common evening Primrose with a blurred sky
Incredible image of Common evening Primrose with a blurred sky
Views: 49 times49
Common Evening Primrose: A Flower That Blooms at Night
Common Evening Primrose: A Flower That Blooms at Night
Views: 43 times43
Enchanting image of Common evening Primrose with a blue hue
Enchanting image of Common evening Primrose with a blue hue
Views: 51 times51
The Mesmerizing Beauty of Common Evening Primrose
The Mesmerizing Beauty of Common Evening Primrose
Views: 52 times52
Dazzling picture of Common evening Primrose with a purple hue
Dazzling picture of Common evening Primrose with a purple hue
Views: 42 times42
Photo of the Bright and Fragrant Common Evening Primrose
Photo of the Bright and Fragrant Common Evening Primrose
Views: 56 times56
Beautiful photo of Common evening Primrose with a white hue
Beautiful photo of Common evening Primrose with a white hue
Views: 43 times43
Breathtaking photo of Common evening Primrose with a sunset in the background
Breathtaking photo of Common evening Primrose with a sunset in the background
Views: 52 times52
An Image of the Delicate Common Evening Primrose
An Image of the Delicate Common Evening Primrose
Views: 45 times45
Lovely picture of Common evening Primrose with a green hue
Lovely picture of Common evening Primrose with a green hue
Views: 61 times61
Captivating Picture of Common Evening Primrose
Captivating Picture of Common Evening Primrose
Views: 44 times44
Dreamy photo of Common evening Primrose in a soft focus
Dreamy photo of Common evening Primrose in a soft focus
Views: 45 times45
Amazing image of Common evening Primrose with a sunrise in the background
Amazing image of Common evening Primrose with a sunrise in the background
Views: 45 times45
Serene photo of Common evening Primrose with a bokeh background
Serene photo of Common evening Primrose with a bokeh background
Views: 45 times45
A Gorgeous Picture of Common Evening Primrose in Nature
A Gorgeous Picture of Common Evening Primrose in Nature
Views: 52 times52
Marvelous picture of Common evening Primrose with a black background
Marvelous picture of Common evening Primrose with a black background
Views: 45 times45
Radiant image of Common evening Primrose with a natural background
Radiant image of Common evening Primrose with a natural background
Views: 48 times48
The Radiant Common Evening Primrose: A Sight to Behold
The Radiant Common Evening Primrose: A Sight to Behold
Views: 43 times43
A Picture Perfect Common Evening Primrose in the Garden
A Picture Perfect Common Evening Primrose in the Garden
Views: 44 times44
The Amazing Common Evening Primrose: A Flower that Thrives at Night
The Amazing Common Evening Primrose: A Flower that Thrives at Night
Views: 41 times41
The Beautiful Common Evening Primrose: A Delight for the Senses
The Beautiful Common Evening Primrose: A Delight for the Senses
Views: 46 times46
A Captivating Image of Common Evening Primrose in the Evening
A Captivating Image of Common Evening Primrose in the Evening
Views: 47 times47
A Breathtaking Photo of Common Evening Primrose in Its Natural Habitat
A Breathtaking Photo of Common Evening Primrose in Its Natural Habitat
Views: 46 times46
The Alluring Common Evening Primrose: A Flower for Night Owls
The Alluring Common Evening Primrose: A Flower for Night Owls
Views: 50 times50
A Lovely Image of the Common Evening Primrose in the Moonlight
A Lovely Image of the Common Evening Primrose in the Moonlight
Views: 53 times53
A Stunning Image of the Common Evening Primrose in Full View
A Stunning Image of the Common Evening Primrose in Full View
Views: 49 times49
The Enchanting Common Evening Primrose in All Its Glory
The Enchanting Common Evening Primrose in All Its Glory
Views: 56 times56
Picture Perfect Common Evening Primrose in the Wild
Picture Perfect Common Evening Primrose in the Wild
Views: 44 times44
A Spectacular Photo of the Common Evening Primrose in the Wild
A Spectacular Photo of the Common Evening Primrose in the Wild
Views: 51 times51
A Close-Up Shot of the Beautiful Common Evening Primrose
A Close-Up Shot of the Beautiful Common Evening Primrose
Views: 49 times49
The Marvelous Common Evening Primrose: A Flower that Shines in the Dark
The Marvelous Common Evening Primrose: A Flower that Shines in the Dark
Views: 43 times43
Mesmerizing picture of Common evening Primrose with a full moon in the background.
Mesmerizing picture of Common evening Primrose with a full moon in the background.
Views: 42 times42
Stunning Common Evening Primrose in Full Bloom
Stunning Common Evening Primrose in Full Bloom
Views: 47 times47
Picture of the Sweet-Scented Common Evening Primrose
Picture of the Sweet-Scented Common Evening Primrose
Views: 49 times49
Gorgeous picture of Common evening Primrose with a red hue
Gorgeous picture of Common evening Primrose with a red hue
Views: 48 times48
Stunning photo of Common evening Primrose in a garden
Stunning photo of Common evening Primrose in a garden
Views: 53 times53
The Fascinating Common Evening Primrose: A Flower that Blooms in the Dark
The Fascinating Common Evening Primrose: A Flower that Blooms in the Dark
Views: 50 times50
Delightful picture of Common evening Primrose with a rainbow in the background
Delightful picture of Common evening Primrose with a rainbow in the background
Views: 49 times49

Common Evening Primrose: The Night-time Beauty

Flowers are the most beautiful creation of nature, and the Common Evening Primrose is one of the most stunning flowers that bloom in the evening. It is a unique plant that produces vibrant yellow flowers that bloom at night, making it an enchanting sight for all to behold. The Common Evening Primrose, also known as Oenothera biennis, is a native plant in North America that has been naturalized in many parts of the world. It is a biennial plant that grows up to six feet tall and has a spread of three feet. It is easy to grow and requires minimal care, making it a popular choice among gardeners.

History of the Common Evening Primrose

The Common Evening Primrose has a rich history and has been used for various purposes throughout the years. Native American tribes used the plant's roots and leaves to treat various ailments such as bruises, wounds, and respiratory problems. They also used the plant's oil for cooking and as a source of light. The plant's oil was also used by early settlers in North America for medicinal purposes, including the treatment of skin irritations and digestive problems.

Characteristics of the Common Evening Primrose

The Common Evening Primrose is a biennial plant that grows up to six feet tall and has a spread of three feet. It produces bright yellow flowers that bloom at night and close during the day. The flowers have a sweet fragrance that attracts moths and other nighttime pollinators. The plant's leaves are lance-shaped and grow up to eight inches long. The Common Evening Primrose produces seeds that are a source of food for birds and small mammals.

Growing the Common Evening Primrose

The Common Evening Primrose is a relatively easy plant to grow and requires minimal care. It prefers well-drained soil and full sun but can also grow in partial shade. The plant can be grown from seeds, which can be sown in the spring or fall. The seeds should be sown on the surface of the soil and lightly covered with soil. They should be kept moist until they germinate, which usually takes between 14 and 21 days. Once the plant has germinated, it should be watered regularly to keep the soil moist. The plant should be fertilized once a month with a balanced fertilizer. The Common Evening Primrose does not require pruning, but deadheading the flowers will encourage more blooms.

Uses of the Common Evening Primrose

The Common Evening Primrose has various uses, including medicinal and culinary purposes. The plant's oil is used in various skin care products, including creams, lotions, and soaps. It is also used as a dietary supplement to treat various conditions such as eczema, arthritis, and premenstrual syndrome. The oil is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. The plant's leaves and roots are also used in herbal medicine to treat various ailments such as respiratory problems, digestive issues, and skin irritations. The leaves can be used in salads, and the roots can be boiled and eaten like a vegetable.


The Common Evening Primrose is a beautiful and unique plant that is easy to grow and requires minimal care. Its vibrant yellow flowers that bloom at night make it an enchanting sight for all to behold. The plant has various uses, including medicinal and culinary purposes, and has a rich history dating back to Native American tribes. If you are looking for a stunning and easy-to-grow plant for your garden, the Common Evening Primrose is an excellent choice.

Frequently asked questions about Common evening Primrose wallpapers

Q: How many pictures of Common evening Primrose are available on your website?
A: We have a total of 53 pictures of Common evening Primrose on our website.
Q: Can I download the pictures for free?
A: Yes, you can download the pictures of Common evening Primrose for free.
Q: What is the category of the pictures of Common evening Primrose on your website?
A: The pictures of Common evening Primrose are categorized under "Flowers".
Q: What file types are available for download?
A: You can download the pictures in three file types - .jpg, .png and .webp.
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A: The pictures are free to download and use, but we recommend checking the licensing and copyright information before using them for commercial purposes.
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A: The photographer's name is listed below each picture. Please credit the photographer by including their name in the caption or credits of your project.