Four O ’ clock flower Pictures

Date: April 03, 2023 April 03, 2023
Total Images: 64 64
Views: 53 53
Emily Johnson
The Four O’ clock flower in its natural habitat, captured in this photo
The Four O’ clock flower in its natural habitat, captured in this photo
Views: 37 times37
A breathtaking photo of Four O’ clock flower that will leave you in awe
A breathtaking photo of Four O’ clock flower that will leave you in awe
Views: 39 times39
This image of Four O’ clock flower is a true masterpiece
This image of Four O’ clock flower is a true masterpiece
Views: 44 times44
A stunning photo that showcases the vibrant colors of Four O’ clock flower
A stunning photo that showcases the vibrant colors of Four O’ clock flower
Views: 39 times39
A picture-perfect moment of Four O’ clock flower in full bloom
A picture-perfect moment of Four O’ clock flower in full bloom
Views: 40 times40
The mesmerizing colors of Four O’ clock flower captured in this picture
The mesmerizing colors of Four O’ clock flower captured in this picture
Views: 40 times40
See the elegance of Four O’ clock flower in this stunning image
See the elegance of Four O’ clock flower in this stunning image
Views: 42 times42
An enchanting image of Four O’ clock flower that will leave you mesmerized
An enchanting image of Four O’ clock flower that will leave you mesmerized
Views: 43 times43
Behold the beauty of Four O’ clock flower captured in a photo
Behold the beauty of Four O’ clock flower captured in a photo
Views: 44 times44
A close-up photo of Four O’ clock flower that showcases its delicate features
A close-up photo of Four O’ clock flower that showcases its delicate features
Views: 48 times48
This image of Four O’ clock flower is a true work of art
This image of Four O’ clock flower is a true work of art
Views: 38 times38
A stunning image of Four O’ clock flower that will take your breath away
A stunning image of Four O’ clock flower that will take your breath away
Views: 44 times44
A Close-Up View of a Four O' Clock Flower in its Glory
A Close-Up View of a Four O' Clock Flower in its Glory
Views: 43 times43
The beauty of Four O’ clock flower captured in this breathtaking photo
The beauty of Four O’ clock flower captured in this breathtaking photo
Views: 42 times42
This image of Four O’ clock flower is a feast for the eyes
This image of Four O’ clock flower is a feast for the eyes
Views: 50 times50
Experience the magic of Four O’ clock flower in this image
Experience the magic of Four O’ clock flower in this image
Views: 40 times40
A picturesque moment of Four O’ clock flower that is simply stunning
A picturesque moment of Four O’ clock flower that is simply stunning
Views: 45 times45
A colorful photo of Four O’ clock flower that is simply breathtaking
A colorful photo of Four O’ clock flower that is simply breathtaking
Views: 48 times48
A captivating photo of Four O’ clock flower that will steal your heart
A captivating photo of Four O’ clock flower that will steal your heart
Views: 39 times39
An up-close look at Four O’ clock flower that reveals its hidden beauty
An up-close look at Four O’ clock flower that reveals its hidden beauty
Views: 41 times41
The Four O’ clock flower in its full glory, captured in this picture
The Four O’ clock flower in its full glory, captured in this picture
Views: 43 times43
A close-up shot of Four O’ clock flower that showcases its intricate details
A close-up shot of Four O’ clock flower that showcases its intricate details
Views: 48 times48
A vibrant picture of Four O’ clock flower that will brighten up your day
A vibrant picture of Four O’ clock flower that will brighten up your day
Views: 39 times39
A Beautiful Image of a Four O' Clock Flower in its Natural Setting
A Beautiful Image of a Four O' Clock Flower in its Natural Setting
Views: 39 times39
Four O' Clock Flower: A Captivating Image of a Delicate Bloom
Four O' Clock Flower: A Captivating Image of a Delicate Bloom
Views: 48 times48
The Beauty of a Four O' Clock Flower Captured in a Photo
The Beauty of a Four O' Clock Flower Captured in a Photo
Views: 41 times41
A Magnificent Picture of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Bloom
A Magnificent Picture of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Bloom
Views: 42 times42
Four O' Clock Flower: A Blossom Worth Capturing in an Image
Four O' Clock Flower: A Blossom Worth Capturing in an Image
Views: 43 times43
Vibrant Four O' Clock Flower Photographed in Perfect Lighting
Vibrant Four O' Clock Flower Photographed in Perfect Lighting
Views: 44 times44
A Stunning Photo of a Four O' Clock Flower in its Prime
A Stunning Photo of a Four O' Clock Flower in its Prime
Views: 38 times38
Four O' Clock Flower: A Photograph that Captivates the Heart
Four O' Clock Flower: A Photograph that Captivates the Heart
Views: 44 times44
Four O' Clock Flower: A Photograph that Truly Shines
Four O' Clock Flower: A Photograph that Truly Shines
Views: 40 times40
A mesmerizing image of Four O’ clock flower that will leave you spellbound
A mesmerizing image of Four O’ clock flower that will leave you spellbound
Views: 43 times43
Blooming Four O' Clock Flower Captured in a Photo
Blooming Four O' Clock Flower Captured in a Photo
Views: 39 times39
Stunning Image of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Bloom
Stunning Image of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Bloom
Views: 43 times43
A Striking Picture of a Four O' Clock Flower in Vibrant Colors
A Striking Picture of a Four O' Clock Flower in Vibrant Colors
Views: 40 times40
A Beautiful Shot of a Four O' Clock Flower
A Beautiful Shot of a Four O' Clock Flower
Views: 40 times40
This image of Four O’ clock flower is a true marvel of nature
This image of Four O’ clock flower is a true marvel of nature
Views: 42 times42
Incredible Photo of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Color
Incredible Photo of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Color
Views: 44 times44
Picture Perfect Four O' Clock Flower in its Natural Habitat
Picture Perfect Four O' Clock Flower in its Natural Habitat
Views: 42 times42
A magnificent photo of Four O’ clock flower that is worth a thousand words
A magnificent photo of Four O’ clock flower that is worth a thousand words
Views: 43 times43
A Stunning Image of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Bloom
A Stunning Image of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Bloom
Views: 40 times40
A Beautifully Captured Image of a Four O' Clock Flower
A Beautifully Captured Image of a Four O' Clock Flower
Views: 45 times45
Picture-perfect Four O’clock flower captured in all its glory
Picture-perfect Four O’clock flower captured in all its glory
Views: 41 times41
A stunning image of Four O’clock flower in bloom
A stunning image of Four O’clock flower in bloom
Views: 46 times46
Four O' Clock Flower: A Photograph that Captures the Essence of Beauty
Four O' Clock Flower: A Photograph that Captures the Essence of Beauty
Views: 42 times42
A Captivating Image of a Four O' Clock Flower in its Natural Habitat
A Captivating Image of a Four O' Clock Flower in its Natural Habitat
Views: 43 times43
A Stunning Close-Up of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Bloom
A Stunning Close-Up of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Bloom
Views: 42 times42
A Gorgeous Picture of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Color
A Gorgeous Picture of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Color
Views: 41 times41
A Mesmerizing Picture of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Bloom
A Mesmerizing Picture of a Four O' Clock Flower in Full Bloom
Views: 44 times44
Four O' Clock Flower: A Captivating Photo of a Delicate Bloom
Four O' Clock Flower: A Captivating Photo of a Delicate Bloom
Views: 48 times48
A Beautifully Composed Image of a Four O' Clock Flower
A Beautifully Composed Image of a Four O' Clock Flower
Views: 41 times41
A beautiful photo of Four O’clock flower in a garden
A beautiful photo of Four O’clock flower in a garden
Views: 46 times46
A Captivating Image of a Four O' Clock Flower in its Prime
A Captivating Image of a Four O' Clock Flower in its Prime
Views: 41 times41
A Stunning Image of a Four O' Clock Flower in All its Glory
A Stunning Image of a Four O' Clock Flower in All its Glory
Views: 39 times39
The Four O’ clock flower in all its splendor, captured in this picture
The Four O’ clock flower in all its splendor, captured in this picture
Views: 41 times41
The Four O’ clock flower in all its elegance, captured in this picture
The Four O’ clock flower in all its elegance, captured in this picture
Views: 45 times45
The Four O’ clock flower in all its beauty, captured in this picture-perfect moment
The Four O’ clock flower in all its beauty, captured in this picture-perfect moment
Views: 41 times41
A stunning image of Four O’ clock flower in full bloom
A stunning image of Four O’ clock flower in full bloom
Views: 42 times42
Four O' Clock Flower: A Photograph that Truly Captures its Beauty
Four O' Clock Flower: A Photograph that Truly Captures its Beauty
Views: 42 times42
Four O' Clock Flower: A Captivating Image of a Timeless Beauty
Four O' Clock Flower: A Captivating Image of a Timeless Beauty
Views: 45 times45
A Gorgeous Four O' Clock Flower in a Stunning Photograph
A Gorgeous Four O' Clock Flower in a Stunning Photograph
Views: 49 times49
The Four O’ clock flower in all its glory, captured in this picture
The Four O’ clock flower in all its glory, captured in this picture
Views: 47 times47
An image of Four O’clock flower, the perfect addition to any garden
An image of Four O’clock flower, the perfect addition to any garden
Views: 40 times40

Four O' Clock Flower: A Beautiful Addition to Your Garden

Flowers are a natural way to add beauty and color to any space. Whether you have a small balcony or a large backyard, adding flowers to your garden can make it more inviting and peaceful. One such flower that can add a touch of elegance to your garden is the Four O' Clock Flower.

What is Four O' Clock Flower?

The Four O' Clock Flower, also known as Mirabilis jalapa, is a flowering plant native to South America. It is a perennial plant that grows up to 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide. The plant is named Four O' Clock Flower because it blooms in the late afternoon, around 4 pm. The flowers of the Four O' Clock Flower are trumpet-shaped and come in a range of colors, including pink, red, yellow, white, and orange. The flowers are fragrant and attract butterflies and hummingbirds. The plant blooms from mid-summer to fall and can grow in a wide range of soil types.

How to Grow Four O' Clock Flower?

Four O' Clock Flower is an easy plant to grow, making it a favorite among gardeners. Here are some tips on how to grow Four O' Clock Flower:

Choose the Right Location

Four O' Clock Flower grows best in full sun, but it can also grow in partial shade. Choose a location in your garden that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight per day.

Soil Preparation

Four O' Clock Flower can grow in a wide range of soil types, but it prefers well-draining soil. If your soil is heavy, add some sand or perlite to improve drainage.


Plant Four O' Clock Flower seeds in the spring after the last frost. Sow the seeds about 1/4 inch deep and 6 inches apart. Water the seeds regularly until they germinate.


Four O' Clock Flower requires regular watering. Water the plant deeply once a week, or more often during hot and dry weather.


Four O' Clock Flower does not require much fertilizer. You can add some compost or a balanced fertilizer once a month during the growing season.


Prune the plant regularly to keep it from becoming too bushy. You can also deadhead the flowers to encourage more blooms.

Benefits of Four O' Clock Flower

Four O' Clock Flower is not only beautiful but also has some benefits. Here are some benefits of Four O' Clock Flower:

Medicinal Properties

Four O' Clock Flower has some medicinal properties. The plant has been used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments, including fever, cough, and asthma. The plant also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Attracts Pollinators

Four O' Clock Flower is a great addition to any garden because it attracts pollinators like butterflies and hummingbirds. The flowers are fragrant and have bright colors, making them irresistible to pollinators.

Easy to Grow

Four O' Clock Flower is an easy plant to grow, making it a great choice for novice gardeners. The plant can grow in a wide range of soil types and requires minimal care.

Four O' Clock Flower Varieties

Four O' Clock Flower comes in a range of varieties, each with its unique characteristics. Here are some popular Four O' Clock Flower varieties:

Marvel of Peru

Marvel of Peru is the most popular variety of Four O' Clock Flower. The plant has trumpet-shaped flowers that come in a range of colors, including pink, red, yellow, and white. The flowers bloom in the late afternoon and have a sweet fragrance.

Broken Colors

Broken Colors is a variety of Four O' Clock Flower that has unique flowers. The flowers are striped or speckled with different colors, making them eye-catching.

Jalapa Pink

Jalapa Pink is a variety of Four O' Clock Flower that has pink flowers. The flowers bloom in the late afternoon and have a sweet fragrance.


Four O' Clock Flower is a beautiful and easy-to-grow plant that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. The plant blooms in the late afternoon and attracts pollinators like butterflies and hummingbirds. With a range of colors and varieties, Four O' Clock Flower is a great choice for any gardener. So, if you want to add some beauty to your garden, consider growing Four O' Clock Flower.

Frequently asked questions about Four O ’ clock flower wallpapers

Q: What are Four O'clock flowers?
A: Four O'clock flowers, also known as Marvel of Peru, are a type of flowering plant that belongs to the Nyctaginaceae family. They are named Four O'clock flowers because their blooms open in the late afternoon.
Q: How many pictures of Four O'clock flowers are available on your website?
A: Our website has a collection of 64 pictures of Four O'clock flowers.
Q: Are the Four O'clock flower pictures free to download?
A: Yes, all of the Four O'clock flower pictures on our website are available for free download.
Q: What file types are available for download?
A: Users can download Four O'clock flower pictures in three different file types: .jpg, .png, and .webp.
Q: Can users choose different sizes for the Four O'clock flower pictures?
A: Yes, users can choose different sizes for the Four O'clock flower pictures by specifying the width and height they prefer.
Q: Does your website automatically detect the visitor's screen size and choose the right size for them?
A: Yes, our website automatically detects the visitor's screen size and chooses the appropriate size for them.
Q: Is there a limit to the number of Four O'clock flower pictures that users can download?
A: No, there is no limit to the number of Four O'clock flower pictures that users can download from our website.
Q: Can users use the Four O'clock flower pictures for commercial purposes?
A: Yes, users are free to use the Four O'clock flower pictures for commercial purposes.
Q: Do users need to provide attribution when using the Four O'clock flower pictures?
A: No, users do not need to provide attribution when using the Four O'clock flower pictures from our website. However, we appreciate it if users credit our website when possible.
Q: Are the Four O'clock flower pictures royalty-free?
A: Yes, all of the Four O'clock flower pictures on our website are royalty-free.