Lipstick plant Pictures

Date: April 02, 2023 April 02, 2023
Total Images: 50 50
Views: 47 47
Emily Johnson
The Lipstick plant: a tropical wonder for your home
The Lipstick plant: a tropical wonder for your home
Views: 40 times40
Get inspired to decorate your space with the Lipstick plant in this photo
Get inspired to decorate your space with the Lipstick plant in this photo
Views: 44 times44
The vibrant hues of the Lipstick plant captured in a stunning image
The vibrant hues of the Lipstick plant captured in a stunning image
Views: 43 times43
Discover the beauty of the Lipstick plant in this stunning photo
Discover the beauty of the Lipstick plant in this stunning photo
Views: 44 times44
The Lipstick plant: a low-maintenance beauty for your home
The Lipstick plant: a low-maintenance beauty for your home
Views: 36 times36
Bringing the outdoors in: showcasing the Lipstick plant in your home
Bringing the outdoors in: showcasing the Lipstick plant in your home
Views: 39 times39
A colorful and exotic Lipstick plant in a beautiful photo
A colorful and exotic Lipstick plant in a beautiful photo
Views: 44 times44
Houseplant enthusiasts rejoice: the Lipstick plant is a showstopper
Houseplant enthusiasts rejoice: the Lipstick plant is a showstopper
Views: 40 times40
10 reasons why the Lipstick plant is a must-have for plant lovers
10 reasons why the Lipstick plant is a must-have for plant lovers
Views: 43 times43
Unleash the beauty of the Lipstick plant in your home with this photo
Unleash the beauty of the Lipstick plant in your home with this photo
Views: 39 times39
This photo of the Lipstick plant will make you want to add it to your collection
This photo of the Lipstick plant will make you want to add it to your collection
Views: 41 times41
The Lipstick plant: a perfect addition to any green space
The Lipstick plant: a perfect addition to any green space
Views: 42 times42
Get a glimpse of the stunning Lipstick plant in this image
Get a glimpse of the stunning Lipstick plant in this image
Views: 42 times42
The Lipstick plant: a perfect statement piece for any room
The Lipstick plant: a perfect statement piece for any room
Views: 49 times49
The Lipstick plant: a tropical beauty for your indoor jungle
The Lipstick plant: a tropical beauty for your indoor jungle
Views: 44 times44
The beauty of the Lipstick plant captured in a breathtaking image
The beauty of the Lipstick plant captured in a breathtaking image
Views: 40 times40
Get inspired by this picture of the Lipstick plant in full bloom
Get inspired by this picture of the Lipstick plant in full bloom
Views: 44 times44
Get inspired by the vibrant colors of Lipstick plant in this photo
Get inspired by the vibrant colors of Lipstick plant in this photo
Views: 37 times37
A photo of the Lipstick plant that will brighten up your day
A photo of the Lipstick plant that will brighten up your day
Views: 50 times50
10 reasons why Lipstick plant should be your next houseplant obsession
10 reasons why Lipstick plant should be your next houseplant obsession
Views: 39 times39
Picture-perfect Lipstick plant: An Instagram-worthy houseplant
Picture-perfect Lipstick plant: An Instagram-worthy houseplant
Views: 41 times41
A closer look at the Lipstick plant in this captivating picture
A closer look at the Lipstick plant in this captivating picture
Views: 39 times39
This image of the Lipstick plant will inspire your next home decor project
This image of the Lipstick plant will inspire your next home decor project
Views: 45 times45
The ultimate guide to growing Lipstick plant - with a visual aid
The ultimate guide to growing Lipstick plant - with a visual aid
Views: 44 times44
How to propagate Lipstick plant - learn from this photo
How to propagate Lipstick plant - learn from this photo
Views: 44 times44
How to style Lipstick plant in your home - ideas from this image
How to style Lipstick plant in your home - ideas from this image
Views: 45 times45
Lipstick plant: The perfect addition to your houseplant collection
Lipstick plant: The perfect addition to your houseplant collection
Views: 42 times42
Create a tropical oasis with Lipstick plant - see it in action
Create a tropical oasis with Lipstick plant - see it in action
Views: 42 times42
Houseplant love: Lipstick plant in all its glory
Houseplant love: Lipstick plant in all its glory
Views: 36 times36
How to care for Lipstick plant: Tips and tricks from this stunning image
How to care for Lipstick plant: Tips and tricks from this stunning image
Views: 44 times44
Discover the versatility of the Lipstick plant in this photo
Discover the versatility of the Lipstick plant in this photo
Views: 42 times42
Lipstick plant: A conversation starter for your home
Lipstick plant: A conversation starter for your home
Views: 44 times44
The beauty of Lipstick plant captured in this stunning photo
The beauty of Lipstick plant captured in this stunning photo
Views: 44 times44
Lipstick plant: A low-maintenance houseplant that brings joy
Lipstick plant: A low-maintenance houseplant that brings joy
Views: 52 times52
Lipstick plant: A tropical beauty for your indoor jungle
Lipstick plant: A tropical beauty for your indoor jungle
Views: 38 times38
Get ready to fall in love with the Lipstick plant in this stunning photo
Get ready to fall in love with the Lipstick plant in this stunning photo
Views: 43 times43
The Lipstick plant: a bold and beautiful addition to your indoor oasis
The Lipstick plant: a bold and beautiful addition to your indoor oasis
Views: 42 times42
The Lipstick plant: a splash of color for any room in your home
The Lipstick plant: a splash of color for any room in your home
Views: 40 times40
Everything you need to know about Lipstick plant in this photo
Everything you need to know about Lipstick plant in this photo
Views: 46 times46
The Lipstick plant: a conversation starter for your next gathering
The Lipstick plant: a conversation starter for your next gathering
Views: 39 times39
The secret to growing Lipstick plant - revealed in this image
The secret to growing Lipstick plant - revealed in this image
Views: 41 times41
Lipstick plant: A pop of color for any room in your home
Lipstick plant: A pop of color for any room in your home
Views: 42 times42
10 ways to style the Lipstick plant in your home
10 ways to style the Lipstick plant in your home
Views: 39 times39
Step up your houseplant game with Lipstick plant - see it for yourself
Step up your houseplant game with Lipstick plant - see it for yourself
Views: 42 times42
Discover the unique characteristics of the Lipstick plant in this stunning image
Discover the unique characteristics of the Lipstick plant in this stunning image
Views: 45 times45
The Lipstick plant: a unique and exotic houseplant to add to your collection
The Lipstick plant: a unique and exotic houseplant to add to your collection
Views: 45 times45
Discover the beauty of Lipstick plant in this stunning image
Discover the beauty of Lipstick plant in this stunning image
Views: 37 times37
Indulge in the vibrant colors of the Lipstick plant captured in this photo
Indulge in the vibrant colors of the Lipstick plant captured in this photo
Views: 39 times39
A closer look at the Lipstick plant: a must-have for your houseplant collection
A closer look at the Lipstick plant: a must-have for your houseplant collection
Views: 40 times40
The Lipstick plant: a vibrant and lively addition to your home
The Lipstick plant: a vibrant and lively addition to your home
Views: 43 times43

The Lipstick Plant: A Vibrant Addition to Your Houseplant Collection

If you're looking to add a pop of color to your indoor garden, the lipstick plant (Aeschynanthus radicans) is a perfect choice. This tropical vine, native to Southeast Asia, is known for its striking red flowers that resemble a tube of lipstick. With proper care, the lipstick plant can bloom year-round and add a vibrant touch to any room in your home.

Plant Characteristics

The lipstick plant is a member of the Gesneriaceae family, which includes other popular houseplants like the African violet and gloxinia. It is an evergreen vine that can grow up to three feet long, with glossy green leaves that are two to four inches long. The plant's most distinctive feature is its tubular flowers, which can be red, orange, or pink and are usually about an inch long. The lipstick plant is a relatively low-maintenance houseplant, making it a great choice for beginners. It prefers bright, indirect light and should be kept away from direct sunlight, which can scorch its leaves. It also prefers moderate humidity levels and should be watered regularly, but not overwatered, as this can lead to root rot.

How to Care for Your Lipstick Plant


As mentioned earlier, the lipstick plant prefers bright, indirect light. This means it should be placed near a north or east-facing window, where it can get plenty of sunlight without being directly exposed to the sun's rays. If you notice that your plant's leaves are turning yellow or brown, it may be getting too much sun, and you should move it to a shadier spot.


The lipstick plant should be watered regularly, but not overwatered. It is best to let the top inch of soil dry out before watering again. If the soil is constantly moist, it can lead to root rot, which can be fatal to the plant. When watering, make sure to water the soil and not the leaves, as this can cause water spots or even fungal growth.


The lipstick plant prefers moderate humidity levels, which can be achieved by misting the plant with a spray bottle or placing a tray of water nearby. If you live in a dry climate, you may want to invest in a humidifier to keep your plant healthy and happy.


The lipstick plant should be fertilized once a month during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced liquid fertilizer. Be sure to follow the instructions on the fertilizer package, as overfertilization can damage the plant.


The lipstick plant should be repotted every two to three years, or when it outgrows its current container. When repotting, choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one and use a well-draining potting mix. Be sure to water the plant well after repotting to help it adjust to its new home.

Common Problems and Solutions

Yellowing Leaves

If you notice that your lipstick plant's leaves are turning yellow, it may be getting too much sun or not enough water. Move the plant to a shadier spot or adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Wilting Leaves

If your lipstick plant's leaves are wilting, it may be a sign of overwatering or underwatering. Check the soil to see if it is too dry or too moist, and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Lack of Blooms

If your lipstick plant is not blooming, it may not be getting enough light or nutrients. Move the plant to a sunnier spot and fertilize it regularly during the growing season.

Propagating Your Lipstick Plant

If you want to grow more lipstick plants, you can easily propagate them using stem cuttings. Here's how: 1. Take a stem cutting that is at least four inches long and has a few leaves. 2. Remove the bottom leaves and dip the cut end in rooting hormone. 3. Plant the cutting in a small pot filled with well-draining potting mix. 4. Water the cutting and cover it with a plastic bag to create a humid environment. 5. Place the pot in bright, indirect light and wait for roots to form. 6. Once the cutting has rooted, you can transplant it into a larger pot.


The lipstick plant is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for houseplant that can brighten up any room in your home. With its striking red flowers and glossy green leaves, it is sure to be a conversation starter. By following the care tips outlined in this article, you can enjoy your lipstick plant's blooms year-round and watch it thrive.

Frequently asked questions about Lipstick plant wallpapers

What is Lipstick plant?
Lipstick plant (Aeschynanthus) is a beautiful houseplant that is known for its vibrant red or pink flowers that resemble a tube of lipstick.
What are Lipstick plant pictures?
Lipstick plant pictures are a collection of 50 high-quality images of Lipstick plants that users can download for free from our website.
What file types are available for download?
Users can download Lipstick plant pictures in three different file types: .jpg, .png, and .webp.
What sizes are available for download?
Users can choose from different sizes for Lipstick plant pictures based on their requirements. They can choose the width and height of the image as per their needs.
Is the download free?
Yes, all Lipstick plant pictures are available for free download.
How many images are available for download?
There are 50 high-quality Lipstick plant pictures available for download.
Can I use Lipstick plant pictures for commercial purposes?
Yes, you can use Lipstick plant pictures for commercial purposes. However, we recommend that you check the license agreement before using them.
Can I use Lipstick plant pictures for personal use?
Yes, you can use Lipstick plant pictures for personal use.
Are Lipstick plant pictures compatible with all devices?
Yes, Lipstick plant pictures are compatible with all devices. Our website automatically detects the visitor's mobile screen size and chooses the right size for the visitor.
Can I share Lipstick plant pictures with my friends and family?
Yes, you can share Lipstick plant pictures with your friends and family. However, we recommend that you provide them with a link to our website for downloading the pictures.
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