Maltese cross Pictures

Date: April 03, 2023 April 03, 2023
Total Images: 31 31
Views: 94 94
Emily Johnson
The Maltese cross: A flower fit for a queen
The Maltese cross: A flower fit for a queen
Views: 56 times56
The Maltese cross: A flower with a story
The Maltese cross: A flower with a story
Views: 44 times44
The unique beauty of the Maltese cross
The unique beauty of the Maltese cross
Views: 55 times55
A stunning picture of the Maltese cross flower
A stunning picture of the Maltese cross flower
Views: 56 times56
A stunning Maltese cross captured in an image
A stunning Maltese cross captured in an image
Views: 46 times46
A magnificent Maltese cross in full bloom
A magnificent Maltese cross in full bloom
Views: 53 times53
A breathtaking Maltese cross in all its glory
A breathtaking Maltese cross in all its glory
Views: 51 times51
The Maltese cross: A flower with a bold presence
The Maltese cross: A flower with a bold presence
Views: 45 times45
A picture-perfect Maltese cross in bloom
A picture-perfect Maltese cross in bloom
Views: 43 times43
A gorgeous photo of the Maltese cross flower
A gorgeous photo of the Maltese cross flower
Views: 41 times41
A beautiful flower captured: Maltese cross
A beautiful flower captured: Maltese cross
Views: 45 times45
A stunning image of the Maltese cross
A stunning image of the Maltese cross
Views: 58 times58
The Maltese cross: A flower that stands out
The Maltese cross: A flower that stands out
Views: 44 times44
A beautiful image of the Maltese cross
A beautiful image of the Maltese cross
Views: 54 times54
Stunning Maltese cross flower photo
Stunning Maltese cross flower photo
Views: 51 times51
A striking Maltese cross in bloom
A striking Maltese cross in bloom
Views: 50 times50
Vibrant colors of the Maltese cross flower
Vibrant colors of the Maltese cross flower
Views: 53 times53
The Maltese cross: A flower with a rich history
The Maltese cross: A flower with a rich history
Views: 52 times52
The Maltese cross: A symbol of beauty and strength
The Maltese cross: A symbol of beauty and strength
Views: 47 times47
The Maltese cross: A flower with a message
The Maltese cross: A flower with a message
Views: 43 times43
The Maltese cross: A symbol of courage and beauty
The Maltese cross: A symbol of courage and beauty
Views: 52 times52
The beauty of the Maltese cross: An image to remember
The beauty of the Maltese cross: An image to remember
Views: 46 times46
A close-up of the vibrant Maltese cross
A close-up of the vibrant Maltese cross
Views: 52 times52
The Maltese cross: A flower that demands attention
The Maltese cross: A flower that demands attention
Views: 71 times71
A vibrant Maltese cross in full bloom
A vibrant Maltese cross in full bloom
Views: 63 times63
A beautiful Maltese cross photo that captures its essence
A beautiful Maltese cross photo that captures its essence
Views: 49 times49
The Maltese cross: A flower with a powerful meaning
The Maltese cross: A flower with a powerful meaning
Views: 57 times57
The Maltese cross: A flower that exudes elegance
The Maltese cross: A flower that exudes elegance
Views: 37 times37
Stunning Maltese Cross Flower Image
Stunning Maltese Cross Flower Image
Views: 46 times46
Blooming beauty: Maltese cross in full bloom
Blooming beauty: Maltese cross in full bloom
Views: 50 times50
Picture perfect: Maltese cross in focus
Picture perfect: Maltese cross in focus
Views: 74 times74

Maltese Cross: A Unique and Symbolic Flower

When it comes to flowers, there are many that have interesting shapes, colors, and meanings. One of the most unique and symbolic flowers is the Maltese cross. Also known as Lychnis chalcedonica, this flower is native to parts of Europe and Asia and has been used for centuries in various cultures for its medicinal and decorative purposes.

The Appearance of the Maltese Cross

The Maltese cross is a perennial plant that can grow up to three feet tall. It has narrow, lance-shaped leaves that are arranged in pairs along the stem. The flowers of the Maltese cross are what make this plant so distinctive. They are bright red, with four petals arranged in a cross shape. The petals are deeply notched, giving them a fringed appearance. The flowers bloom in clusters at the top of the stem and can last for several weeks. As the flowers begin to fade, they develop into seed pods that can be harvested and used to propagate new plants.

The Symbolism of the Maltese Cross

The Maltese cross has been used as a symbol of many things throughout history. In Christianity, the four petals of the flower represent the four evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The cross shape of the flower represents the crucifixion of Jesus. In medieval times, the Maltese cross was used as a symbol of the Knights Hospitaller, a Catholic military order that provided care for sick and injured pilgrims during the Crusades. The eight points of the cross represented the eight obligations of the knights: to live in truth, have faith, repent their sins, give proof of humility, love justice, be merciful, be sincere and wholehearted, and endure persecution. Today, the Maltese cross is still used as a symbol of various organizations, including the Maltese Cross Volunteer Firefighters, the Maltese Cross Search and Rescue, and the Order of Malta.

Growing and Caring for Maltese Cross

If you are interested in growing Maltese cross in your garden, it is important to choose a location that receives full sun or partial shade. The soil should be well-drained, and the plant should be watered regularly during the growing season. Maltese cross is a hardy plant that can tolerate cold temperatures and drought conditions. It is also resistant to pests and diseases, making it a low-maintenance addition to any garden. To propagate Maltese cross, simply collect the seed pods when they are ripe and dry. Sow the seeds in the fall or early spring, and they will germinate within a few weeks.

Medicinal Uses of Maltese Cross

In addition to its symbolic and decorative uses, Maltese cross has also been used for its medicinal properties. The root of the plant contains a substance called saponin, which has been used as a natural remedy for various ailments. Saponin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It has been used to treat conditions such as arthritis, bronchitis, and viral infections. However, it is important to note that the use of Maltese cross as a medicinal plant should be approached with caution. The plant contains toxic substances that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other side effects if consumed in large quantities.


The Maltese cross is a unique and symbolic flower that has been used for centuries in various cultures for its decorative and medicinal properties. Its distinctive shape and bright red color make it a popular choice for gardens and floral arrangements. Whether you are interested in growing Maltese cross in your garden or simply appreciate its symbolic significance, this flower is sure to make a lasting impression.

Frequently asked questions about Maltese cross wallpapers

Q: What is the Maltese cross?
A: The Maltese cross is a symbol that originated in Malta and is commonly associated with the Knights of Malta. It is a cross with arms that are V-shaped at the ends.
Q: What is the context of the Maltese cross pictures on this website?
A: The Maltese cross pictures on this website are in the category of flowers. They feature images of flowers with the Maltese cross symbol in the center or as a part of the design.
Q: How can I download the Maltese cross pictures?
A: You can download the Maltese cross pictures for free on this website. Simply select the picture you want and choose the file type (jpg, png, or webp) and size (width and height) that you prefer. Then click the download button.
Q: How many Maltese cross pictures are available on this website?
A: There are 31 Maltese cross pictures available on this website.
Q: Can I use the Maltese cross pictures for commercial purposes?
A: The Maltese cross pictures on this website are free to download and use for personal and commercial purposes. However, you should check the specific licensing terms for each picture before using it for commercial purposes.
Q: Are the Maltese cross pictures optimized for mobile devices?
A: Yes, the website automatically detects the visitor's mobile screen size and chooses the right size for the visitor. This ensures that the Maltese cross pictures are optimized for mobile devices and load quickly.
Q: Can I modify the Maltese cross pictures?
A: Yes, you can modify the Maltese cross pictures to suit your needs. However, you should check the specific licensing terms for each picture before modifying it.
Q: Are there any restrictions on how I can use the Maltese cross pictures?
A: The Maltese cross pictures on this website are free to download and use for personal and commercial purposes. However, you should check the specific licensing terms for each picture before using it for commercial purposes. Additionally, you should not use the Maltese cross pictures in a way that is offensive, defamatory, or illegal.