Night-Scented stock Pictures

Date: April 03, 2023 April 03, 2023
Total Images: 44 44
Views: 84 84
Emily Johnson
The Fragrant Night-Scented Stock in Bloom
The Fragrant Night-Scented Stock in Bloom
Views: 58 times58
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower for the Romantic Souls
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower for the Romantic Souls
Views: 76 times76
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower for All Senses
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower for All Senses
Views: 62 times62
The Mysterious Night-Scented Stock in this Picture
The Mysterious Night-Scented Stock in this Picture
Views: 60 times60
Captivating Night-Scented Stock in this Picture
Captivating Night-Scented Stock in this Picture
Views: 61 times61
A Stunning Image of Night-Scented Stock Flowers
A Stunning Image of Night-Scented Stock Flowers
Views: 58 times58
The Delightful Scent of Night-Scented Stock
The Delightful Scent of Night-Scented Stock
Views: 63 times63
The Magic of Night-Scented Stock Flowers in this Photo
The Magic of Night-Scented Stock Flowers in this Photo
Views: 69 times69
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower for the Night Owls
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower for the Night Owls
Views: 87 times87
Night-Scented Stock: The Perfect Flower for Evening Gardens
Night-Scented Stock: The Perfect Flower for Evening Gardens
Views: 79 times79
The Enchanting Night-Scented Stock in this Picture
The Enchanting Night-Scented Stock in this Picture
Views: 57 times57
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower that Blooms in the Dark
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower that Blooms in the Dark
Views: 88 times88
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower that Comes Alive at Night
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower that Comes Alive at Night
Views: 91 times91
A Captivating Picture of Night-Scented Stock in the Garden
A Captivating Picture of Night-Scented Stock in the Garden
Views: 65 times65
The Alluring Night-Scented Stock in this Image
The Alluring Night-Scented Stock in this Image
Views: 85 times85
An Image of the Mesmerizing Night-Scented Stock Flowers
An Image of the Mesmerizing Night-Scented Stock Flowers
Views: 65 times65
A Stunning Photo of Night-Scented Stock Blossoms
A Stunning Photo of Night-Scented Stock Blossoms
Views: 69 times69
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower that Shines in the Night
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower that Shines in the Night
Views: 61 times61
The Enchanting Scent of Night-Scented Stock in a Picture
The Enchanting Scent of Night-Scented Stock in a Picture
Views: 76 times76
A Gorgeous Image of Night-Scented Stock in the Moonlight
A Gorgeous Image of Night-Scented Stock in the Moonlight
Views: 53 times53
Flower Power: Night-Scented Stock Image
Flower Power: Night-Scented Stock Image
Views: 55 times55
A Captivating Photo of Night-Scented Stock in the Twilight
A Captivating Photo of Night-Scented Stock in the Twilight
Views: 80 times80
A Captivating Photo of Night-Scented Stock in Bloom
A Captivating Photo of Night-Scented Stock in Bloom
Views: 68 times68
The Delicate Charm of Night-Scented Stock Captured in an Image
The Delicate Charm of Night-Scented Stock Captured in an Image
Views: 60 times60
The Mesmerizing Beauty of Night-Scented Stock in this Photo
The Mesmerizing Beauty of Night-Scented Stock in this Photo
Views: 63 times63
A Stunning Photo of Night-Scented Stock in the Dark
A Stunning Photo of Night-Scented Stock in the Dark
Views: 56 times56
A Stunning Shot of Night-Scented Stock in the Evening
A Stunning Shot of Night-Scented Stock in the Evening
Views: 55 times55
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower that Makes the Night Come Alive
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower that Makes the Night Come Alive
Views: 71 times71
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower that Awakens at Night
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower that Awakens at Night
Views: 66 times66
The Beauty of Night-Scented Stock in a Stunning Image
The Beauty of Night-Scented Stock in a Stunning Image
Views: 66 times66
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower for the Late Night Strollers
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower for the Late Night Strollers
Views: 71 times71
Picture Perfect: Night-Scented Stock in Full Bloom
Picture Perfect: Night-Scented Stock in Full Bloom
Views: 67 times67
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower for the Nighttime Gardeners
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower for the Nighttime Gardeners
Views: 66 times66
A Gorgeous Photo of Night-Scented Stock in the Moonlight
A Gorgeous Photo of Night-Scented Stock in the Moonlight
Views: 74 times74
A Beautiful Image of Night-Scented Stock at Night
A Beautiful Image of Night-Scented Stock at Night
Views: 149 times149
The Dreamy Charm of Night-Scented Stock in a Picture
The Dreamy Charm of Night-Scented Stock in a Picture
Views: 75 times75
A Close-Up of the Fragrant Night-Scented Stock Blossoms
A Close-Up of the Fragrant Night-Scented Stock Blossoms
Views: 77 times77
The Beauty of Night-Scented Stock in Full Bloom
The Beauty of Night-Scented Stock in Full Bloom
Views: 73 times73
A Gorgeous Close-Up of Night-Scented Stock
A Gorgeous Close-Up of Night-Scented Stock
Views: 60 times60
Experience the Fragrant Beauty of Night-Scented Stock
Experience the Fragrant Beauty of Night-Scented Stock
Views: 60 times60
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower that Brings Night to Life
Night-Scented Stock: A Flower that Brings Night to Life
Views: 63 times63
Discover the Alluring Beauty of Night-Scented Stock in a Photo
Discover the Alluring Beauty of Night-Scented Stock in a Photo
Views: 71 times71
The Sensational Scent of Night-Scented Stock in this Image
The Sensational Scent of Night-Scented Stock in this Image
Views: 63 times63
A Beautiful Image of Night-Scented Stock in the Moonlight
A Beautiful Image of Night-Scented Stock in the Moonlight
Views: 70 times70

Night-Scented Stock: A Fragrant Flower for Your Garden

Flowers have always been an essential part of our lives, whether it is to express our love, to show gratitude, or simply to add beauty to our surroundings. Flowers come in different colors, shapes, and fragrances, and each has its own unique charm. Among the many flowers, the night-scented stock is a fragrant flower that is sure to captivate your senses.

What are Night-Scented Stocks?

Night-scented stock, also known as Matthiola longipetala, is an annual flower that belongs to the Brassicaceae family. It is native to the Mediterranean region and is widely grown in gardens and parks for its fragrant flowers. The plant grows up to a height of 30-40 cm and has lance-shaped leaves that are grayish-green in color. The flowers are small, four-petaled, and come in various shades of pink, purple, and white. The most distinctive feature of this flower is its intoxicating fragrance, which is most potent at night.

How to Grow Night-Scented Stocks?

Night-scented stock is a relatively easy plant to grow, and it thrives in cool temperatures. Here are some tips to help you grow these fragrant flowers in your garden.


Night-scented stocks can be grown from seeds, and they should be sown directly into the soil in early spring or late summer. The soil should be well-drained and enriched with organic matter. The seeds should be sown thinly, and they should be covered with a thin layer of soil. Water the soil gently to keep it moist, and ensure that the soil temperature is between 10-15°C.


Once the seedlings emerge, they should be thinned out to a distance of 15-20 cm apart. Night-scented stocks prefer cool temperatures, and they should be grown in a spot that receives partial shade. They should be watered regularly, and the soil should be kept moist. The plant should be fertilized once a month with a balanced fertilizer to promote healthy growth.


The flowers of night-scented stock bloom in late spring and early summer, and they should be harvested in the evening when the fragrance is at its strongest. The flowers should be cut with a sharp knife or scissors, and they should be placed in a vase filled with water. The flowers will last for several days and will continue to release their fragrance.

Benefits of Night-Scented Stocks

Apart from their fragrance, night-scented stocks have several other benefits that make them a valuable addition to any garden.

Attract Pollinators

Night-scented stocks attract pollinators such as moths and butterflies, which are essential for the pollination of plants. By growing these flowers in your garden, you are creating a habitat for these insects, which will help to maintain a healthy ecosystem.

Pest Control

Night-scented stocks also have insecticidal properties, and they can be used to control pests such as aphids and whiteflies. The flowers contain a compound called glucosinolate, which is toxic to these insects. By growing these flowers in your garden, you can reduce the need for chemical pesticides.

Medicinal Properties

The flowers of night-scented stock have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. They contain compounds such as saponins and flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The flowers have been used to treat respiratory problems, rheumatism, and skin disorders.


Night-scented stock is a fragrant flower that is easy to grow and adds beauty to any garden. The plant is relatively low maintenance and can be grown from seeds. The flowers bloom in late spring and early summer and release their fragrance at night, making them a popular choice for evening gardens. Night-scented stocks also have several benefits, such as attracting pollinators, controlling pests, and having medicinal properties. By growing these flowers in your garden, you are not only adding beauty but also contributing to a healthy ecosystem.

Frequently asked questions about Night-Scented stock wallpapers

What are Night-Scented stock pictures?
Night-Scented stock pictures are a category of flower images that can be downloaded for free from our website. These pictures feature the Night-Scented stock flower and are available in different file types and sizes.
What is Night-Scented stock flower?
Night-Scented stock is a flowering plant that belongs to the Brassicaceae family. It is known for its sweet and intense fragrance that is most noticeable during the night.
How many Night-Scented stock pictures are available on your website?
We have a collection of 44 Night-Scented stock pictures that are available for download on our website.
Can I download Night-Scented stock pictures for free?
Yes, all Night-Scented stock pictures on our website can be downloaded for free.
What file types are available for Night-Scented stock pictures?
Night-Scented stock pictures are available in three different file types: .jpg, .png, and .webp.
What sizes are available for Night-Scented stock pictures?
Night-Scented stock pictures are available in various sizes. You can choose the width and height of the picture according to your preference. Our website also automatically detects the visitor's mobile screen size and chooses the right size for them.
Can I use Night-Scented stock pictures for commercial purposes?
Yes, you can use Night-Scented stock pictures for commercial purposes. However, we do not allow the resale or redistribution of our pictures.
Do I need to credit your website when using Night-Scented stock pictures?
No, you do not need to credit our website when using Night-Scented stock pictures. However, we would appreciate it if you could mention us as the source of the picture.
Can I edit Night-Scented stock pictures?
Yes, you can edit Night-Scented stock pictures. However, we do not allow the use of our pictures in a way that is defamatory, pornographic, or illegal.
What should I do if I cannot find the Night-Scented stock picture I am looking for?
If you cannot find the Night-Scented stock picture you are looking for, please contact us, and we will try our best to provide you with the picture you need.
Are Night-Scented stock pictures copyrighted?
No, Night-Scented stock pictures on our website are not copyrighted. However, we reserve the right to take legal action against anyone who uses our pictures in a way that violates our terms and conditions.