Attack on Titan is a Japanese manga and anime series that has gained worldwide popularity since its release in 2009. The series revolves around a dystopian world where humanity is forced to live inside a set of walls to protect themselves from Titans, giant humanoid creatures that devour humans without any apparent reason. The story follows the protagonist Eren Yeager and his friends, who join the military to fight against the Titans and uncover the truth about their origins. One of the central characters of Attack on Titan is Reiner Braun, a former member of the military who is revealed to be a Titan shifter. In this article, we will explore Reiner's character, his role in the series, and his impact on the story.
Reiner's Background
Reiner Braun is introduced in the first season of Attack on Titan as a member of the 104th Training Corps, a group of young soldiers who are training to join the military and fight against the Titans. Reiner is initially portrayed as a kind and friendly person who befriends Eren and his friends. He is often seen as a big brother figure to the other trainees and is respected for his leadership skills. As the story progresses, Reiner's true identity is revealed. He is a member of the Warriors, a group of Titan shifters from beyond the walls who are sent to infiltrate the military and gather information. Reiner, along with his fellow Warriors, Bertholdt Hoover and Annie Leonhart, is tasked with obtaining the Founding Titan, a powerful Titan that is believed to hold the key to the truth about the Titans.
Reiner's Role in the Story
Reiner's role in the story is complex and multi-layered. As a member of the Warriors, he is initially portrayed as an antagonist who is working against Eren and his friends. However, as the story progresses, we learn more about Reiner's motivations and the reasons behind his actions. One of the key themes of Attack on Titan is the idea that the world is not black and white, and that even those who seem like villains may have their reasons for their actions. Reiner is a prime example of this. While he initially appears to be a heartless traitor, we learn that he is actually a deeply conflicted person who is struggling with his loyalty to his homeland and his growing attachment to his friends in the military. Reiner's character arc is one of the most compelling in the series. As he struggles with his identity and his loyalties, he becomes increasingly unstable and unpredictable. This culminates in one of the most shocking moments in the series, when Reiner reveals himself to be the Armored Titan and attacks the military's headquarters, causing massive destruction and loss of life.
Reiner's Impact on the Story
Reiner's impact on the story of Attack on Titan cannot be overstated. As a central character and a key player in the plot, he has had a significant influence on the direction of the story and the development of the other characters. One of the most significant ways in which Reiner has impacted the story is through his relationships with the other characters. His friendship with Eren, in particular, has been a major focus of the series. As Eren struggles with his own identity as a Titan shifter, his relationship with Reiner becomes increasingly complicated. The two characters are forced to confront their conflicting loyalties and their shared experiences, which leads to some of the most emotionally charged moments in the series. Reiner's impact on the story is also reflected in the way that he has influenced the other characters. His actions have led to significant consequences for the other members of the military, forcing them to confront their own beliefs and motivations. This is particularly true for characters like Armin and Mikasa, who are forced to confront their own beliefs about violence and the nature of humanity.
In conclusion, Reiner Braun is a complex and compelling character who has had a significant impact on the story of Attack on Titan. As a member of the Warriors, he initially appears to be an antagonist who is working against the main characters. However, as the story progresses, we learn more about his motivations and the reasons behind his actions. Reiner's character arc is one of the most compelling in the series, and his impact on the story cannot be overstated. Through his relationships with the other characters and his actions in the plot, he has forced the other characters to confront their own beliefs and motivations, leading to some of the most emotionally charged moments in the series. Overall, Reiner Braun is a fascinating character who has played a central role in the story of Attack on Titan.
Frequently asked questions about Reiner Braun wallpapers
Q: What is Reiner Braun?
A: Reiner Braun is a character from the popular anime and manga series, Attack on Titan.
Q: Can I download Reiner Braun pictures from your website?
A: Yes, you can download Reiner Braun pictures from our website for free.
Q: How many Reiner Braun pictures do you have on your website?
A: We have 59 Reiner Braun pictures on our website.
Q: In what file formats are the Reiner Braun pictures available for download?
A: The Reiner Braun pictures are available for download in .jpg, .png, and .webp file formats.
Q: Can I choose the size of the Reiner Braun pictures I want to download?
A: Yes, you can choose the size (width and height) of the Reiner Braun pictures you want to download.
Q: Is there a limit on the number of Reiner Braun pictures I can download from your website?
A: No, there is no limit on the number of Reiner Braun pictures you can download from our website.
Q: Do I need to register or create an account to download Reiner Braun pictures from your website?
A: No, you do not need to register or create an account to download Reiner Braun pictures from our website.
Q: Is it safe to download Reiner Braun pictures from your website?
A: Yes, it is safe to download Reiner Braun pictures from our website. We take great care to ensure that all the pictures on our website are safe and virus-free.
Q: Can I use the Reiner Braun pictures for commercial purposes?
A: No, you cannot use the Reiner Braun pictures for commercial purposes. They are for personal use only.
Q: Can I share the Reiner Braun pictures I downloaded from your website with others?
A: Yes, you can share the Reiner Braun pictures you downloaded from our website with others, as long as you do not use them for commercial purposes.
Q: How do I download Reiner Braun pictures from your website?
A: To download Reiner Braun pictures from our website, simply click on the picture you want to download, choose the file format and size you want, and click the download button.
Q: Will the Reiner Braun pictures be automatically resized to fit my mobile screen size?
A: Yes, our website automatically detects the visitor's mobile screen size and chooses the right size for the Reiner Braun pictures.