Seaside Daisy Pictures

Date: April 03, 2023 April 03, 2023
Total Images: 50 50
Views: 107 107
Emily Johnson
Seaside Daisy: A Charming Flower for Your Bouquet
Seaside Daisy: A Charming Flower for Your Bouquet
Views: 58 times58
Beautiful Seaside Daisy in Full Bloom
Beautiful Seaside Daisy in Full Bloom
Views: 53 times53
A Captivating Image of Seaside Daisy in the Sand
A Captivating Image of Seaside Daisy in the Sand
Views: 58 times58
Seaside Daisy: A Lovely Addition to Your Garden
Seaside Daisy: A Lovely Addition to Your Garden
Views: 84 times84
Seaside Daisy: A Pop of Color on the Coastline
Seaside Daisy: A Pop of Color on the Coastline
Views: 58 times58
Stunning Photo of Seaside Daisy by the Beach
Stunning Photo of Seaside Daisy by the Beach
Views: 56 times56
A Beautiful Seaside Daisy in the Wild
A Beautiful Seaside Daisy in the Wild
Views: 73 times73
Seaside Daisy: A Must-Have for Your Flower Collection
Seaside Daisy: A Must-Have for Your Flower Collection
Views: 63 times63
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Symbolizes Happiness
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Symbolizes Happiness
Views: 77 times77
Seaside Daisy: A Delicate Flower with a Strong Presence
Seaside Daisy: A Delicate Flower with a Strong Presence
Views: 63 times63
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that is Admired for Its Beauty
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that is Admired for Its Beauty
Views: 71 times71
Captivating Seaside Daisy in Full Bloom
Captivating Seaside Daisy in Full Bloom
Views: 62 times62
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Represents New Beginnings
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Represents New Beginnings
Views: 72 times72
A Stunning Seaside Daisy in the Morning Light
A Stunning Seaside Daisy in the Morning Light
Views: 68 times68
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Brings a Sense of Calm and Tranquility
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Brings a Sense of Calm and Tranquility
Views: 54 times54
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that is Resilient to Harsh Conditions
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that is Resilient to Harsh Conditions
Views: 57 times57
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Symbolizes Hope and Renewal
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Symbolizes Hope and Renewal
Views: 77 times77
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Brings Joy to Your Life
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Brings Joy to Your Life
Views: 68 times68
A Beautiful Seaside Daisy in the Golden Hour Light.
A Beautiful Seaside Daisy in the Golden Hour Light.
Views: 63 times63
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Thrives in Sandy Soil
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Thrives in Sandy Soil
Views: 57 times57
A Stunning Shot of Seaside Daisy by the Ocean
A Stunning Shot of Seaside Daisy by the Ocean
Views: 56 times56
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that is Loved by Gardeners and Florists Alike
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that is Loved by Gardeners and Florists Alike
Views: 65 times65
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that is Easy to Grow and Maintain
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that is Easy to Grow and Maintain
Views: 58 times58
A Magnificent Seaside Daisy in the Late Afternoon Light
A Magnificent Seaside Daisy in the Late Afternoon Light
Views: 56 times56
Mesmerizing Seaside Daisy: A Flower Worth Capturing
Mesmerizing Seaside Daisy: A Flower Worth Capturing
Views: 54 times54
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Represents Innocence and Purity
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Represents Innocence and Purity
Views: 83 times83
Seaside Daisy: A Perfect Match for Your Beach Themed Wedding
Seaside Daisy: A Perfect Match for Your Beach Themed Wedding
Views: 50 times50
A Gorgeous Seaside Daisy in Full Bloom by the Shoreline
A Gorgeous Seaside Daisy in Full Bloom by the Shoreline
Views: 68 times68
A Close-up Shot of the Beautiful Seaside Daisy
A Close-up Shot of the Beautiful Seaside Daisy
Views: 58 times58
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Adds Color to Your Landscape
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Adds Color to Your Landscape
Views: 85 times85
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that is Synonymous with Summer
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that is Synonymous with Summer
Views: 75 times75
Seaside Daisy: A Perfect Addition to Your Garden
Seaside Daisy: A Perfect Addition to Your Garden
Views: 66 times66
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Represents Love and Admiration
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Represents Love and Admiration
Views: 84 times84
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Brings Life to Any Garden
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Brings Life to Any Garden
Views: 63 times63
A Gorgeous Seaside Daisy That Will Inspire You
A Gorgeous Seaside Daisy That Will Inspire You
Views: 79 times79
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Will Add Charm to Your Garden
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Will Add Charm to Your Garden
Views: 52 times52
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Brings Joy and Happiness
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Brings Joy and Happiness
Views: 65 times65
Breathtaking Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Deserves Attention
Breathtaking Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Deserves Attention
Views: 64 times64
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Will Brighten Your Day
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Will Brighten Your Day
Views: 54 times54
A Beautiful Seaside Daisy That Will Make Your Day
A Beautiful Seaside Daisy That Will Make Your Day
Views: 71 times71
A Picture Perfect Seaside Daisy
A Picture Perfect Seaside Daisy
Views: 52 times52
Gorgeous Seaside Daisy in All Its Glory
Gorgeous Seaside Daisy in All Its Glory
Views: 60 times60
A Vibrant Seaside Daisy to Brighten Up Your Space
A Vibrant Seaside Daisy to Brighten Up Your Space
Views: 82 times82
The Beauty of Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Will Impress You
The Beauty of Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Will Impress You
Views: 58 times58
A Picture Perfect Seaside Daisy on a Sunny Day
A Picture Perfect Seaside Daisy on a Sunny Day
Views: 83 times83
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Will Take Your Breath Away
Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Will Take Your Breath Away
Views: 62 times62
A Gorgeous Picture of Seaside Daisy in the Sun
A Gorgeous Picture of Seaside Daisy in the Sun
Views: 54 times54
Stunning Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Will Steal Your Heart
Stunning Seaside Daisy: A Flower That Will Steal Your Heart
Views: 91 times91
A Stunning Seaside Daisy to Add to Your Flower Collection
A Stunning Seaside Daisy to Add to Your Flower Collection
Views: 67 times67
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Attracts Pollinators to Your Garden
Seaside Daisy: A Flower that Attracts Pollinators to Your Garden
Views: 60 times60

Seaside Daisy: A Beautiful Flower from the Coast

Flowers are one of nature's most beautiful creations, and they come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. The Seaside Daisy is a stunning flower that is native to the coast of California and is known for its vibrant hues and delicate petals. This article will explore the history, characteristics, and care of the Seaside Daisy.

History of the Seaside Daisy

The Seaside Daisy, also known as Erigeron glaucus, is a member of the Asteraceae family and is native to the coastal regions of California. It was first discovered by botanist David Douglas in the early 19th century, and its name comes from the Greek words "eri" meaning early, and "geron" meaning old man, due to its long, white hairs on the flower's stem. The Seaside Daisy was a popular flower among Native American tribes, who used it for medicinal purposes and as a food source. Today, it is a popular garden plant and is often used in coastal landscaping due to its ability to withstand salty and windy conditions.

Characteristics of the Seaside Daisy

The Seaside Daisy is a perennial plant that grows up to 18 inches tall and 24 inches wide. It has a bushy, clumping growth habit and produces a profusion of daisy-like flowers from spring through fall. The flowers are typically 1-2 inches in diameter and come in shades of pink, lavender, white, and blue. The petals are delicate and slightly curled, giving the flower a whimsical, carefree appearance. The Seaside Daisy has long, slender leaves that are green and slightly hairy. The leaves are arranged in a rosette at the base of the plant and are about 2-3 inches long. The stem of the Seaside Daisy is also slightly hairy and can range in color from green to reddish-brown.

How to Care for the Seaside Daisy

The Seaside Daisy is a low-maintenance plant that is easy to care for. Here are some tips for keeping your Seaside Daisy healthy and vibrant:


The Seaside Daisy prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. It can tolerate a wide range of soil types, but it does best in soil that is slightly acidic to neutral. If your soil is heavy or clay-like, amend it with compost or other organic matter to improve drainage.


The Seaside Daisy is drought-tolerant and can survive on very little water once established. However, it will perform best if it receives regular water during the growing season. Water deeply once a week, or more often during hot, dry weather. Avoid overhead watering, as this can cause the flowers to become waterlogged and wilt.


The Seaside Daisy prefers full sun to partial shade. It will tolerate some shade, but it may not bloom as well. If you live in a hot, inland area, the Seaside Daisy may benefit from some afternoon shade to protect it from the intense heat.


The Seaside Daisy is not a heavy feeder and does not require regular fertilization. However, if you want to encourage more blooms, you can fertilize with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring.


The Seaside Daisy does not require much pruning, but you can deadhead spent flowers to encourage more blooms. You can also prune back the foliage in the fall to tidy up the plant and promote new growth in the spring.

Landscaping with the Seaside Daisy

The Seaside Daisy is a versatile plant that can be used in a variety of landscaping applications. Here are some ideas for incorporating Seaside Daisies into your garden:

Borders and Edges

The Seaside Daisy makes a great border plant, thanks to its low, bushy growth habit. Plant it along a garden bed or walkway to create a colorful, eye-catching border.

Rock Gardens

The Seaside Daisy is a great choice for rock gardens, thanks to its ability to thrive in poor soil and rocky conditions. Plant it among boulders and other rocks for a natural, coastal look.


The Seaside Daisy does well in containers, thanks to its compact size and low-maintenance needs. Plant it in a pot on your patio or balcony for a pop of color.

Coastal Landscaping

The Seaside Daisy is a popular choice for coastal landscaping, thanks to its ability to withstand salty and windy conditions. Plant it in a beachside garden or in a coastal community for a touch of whimsy and charm.


The Seaside Daisy is a beautiful and versatile flower that is perfect for coastal gardens and landscapes. With its delicate petals, vibrant colors, and low-maintenance needs, it's easy to see why this flower has become a popular choice among gardeners and landscapers alike. Whether you're looking to add some color to your borders, rock gardens, or containers, the Seaside Daisy is a great choice that is sure to delight.

Frequently asked questions about Seaside Daisy wallpapers

What is Seaside Daisy?
Seaside Daisy is a type of flower that grows near the coast. It has bright pink and white petals and a yellow center.
What is the "Seaside Daisy pictures" category?
"Seaside Daisy pictures" is a category on our website where you can download pictures of Seaside Daisies for free.
How many pictures are in the "Seaside Daisy pictures" category?
There are 50 pictures of Seaside Daisies in the "Seaside Daisy pictures" category.
What file types are available for download?
You can download pictures in .jpg, .png, and .webp file types.
Can I choose the size of the picture I want to download?
Yes, you can choose the width and height of the picture you want to download.
How do I choose the size of the picture I want to download?
You can choose the size of the picture you want to download by selecting the width and height options on the download page.
Does the website automatically detect my screen size for the picture download?
Yes, our website automatically detects the visitor's mobile screen size and chooses the right size for the visitor.
Do I need to create an account to download pictures?
No, you do not need to create an account to download pictures.
Is it really free to download pictures from the "Seaside Daisy pictures" category?
Yes, it is completely free to download pictures from the "Seaside Daisy pictures" category.
Can I use the pictures for commercial purposes?
No, the pictures are only for personal use. Commercial use of the pictures is not permitted.
Can I share the pictures with my friends and family?
Yes, you can share the pictures with your friends and family.