Snow in summer Pictures

Date: April 03, 2023 April 03, 2023
Total Images: 55 55
Views: 159 159
Emily Johnson
A rare moment captured: Flowers in the midst of summer snow
A rare moment captured: Flowers in the midst of summer snow
Views: 78 times78
Picture-perfect summer snowfall on blooming flowers
Picture-perfect summer snowfall on blooming flowers
Views: 54 times54
A breathtaking photo of summer snow on vibrant flowers
A breathtaking photo of summer snow on vibrant flowers
Views: 51 times51
A breathtaking photo of flowers blanketed in summer snow
A breathtaking photo of flowers blanketed in summer snow
Views: 67 times67
Rare sight: Snow in summer covering beautiful flowers
Rare sight: Snow in summer covering beautiful flowers
Views: 70 times70
Nature's wonder: Flowers coated in a summer snowfall
Nature's wonder: Flowers coated in a summer snowfall
Views: 59 times59
A stunning image of summer snow on delicate flowers
A stunning image of summer snow on delicate flowers
Views: 78 times78
A picturesque moment captured: Flowers in summer snow
A picturesque moment captured: Flowers in summer snow
Views: 57 times57
The unexpected beauty of snow in summer on flowers
The unexpected beauty of snow in summer on flowers
Views: 61 times61
A stunning sight: Flowers in the midst of summer snow
A stunning sight: Flowers in the midst of summer snow
Views: 69 times69
When summer and winter collide: Flowers covered in snow
When summer and winter collide: Flowers covered in snow
Views: 52 times52
Flowers in a winter wonderland? It's summer snow!
Flowers in a winter wonderland? It's summer snow!
Views: 52 times52
A captivating image of summer snow on blossoming flowers
A captivating image of summer snow on blossoming flowers
Views: 54 times54
When seasons mix: Stunning flowers in summer snow
When seasons mix: Stunning flowers in summer snow
Views: 52 times52
An enchanting photo of flowers adorned in summer snow
An enchanting photo of flowers adorned in summer snow
Views: 69 times69
Flower power meets winter wonderland: Snow in summer
Flower power meets winter wonderland: Snow in summer
Views: 65 times65
A mesmerizing image of summer snowflakes on vibrant flowers
A mesmerizing image of summer snowflakes on vibrant flowers
Views: 75 times75
A stunning image of flowers covered in summer snowflakes
A stunning image of flowers covered in summer snowflakes
Views: 93 times93
A picturesque moment captured: Flowers in summer snow
A picturesque moment captured: Flowers in summer snow
Views: 64 times64
A stunning image of Snow in summer on flowers
A stunning image of Snow in summer on flowers
Views: 66 times66
A breathtaking photo of flowers in summer snow
A breathtaking photo of flowers in summer snow
Views: 56 times56
A beautiful scene of flowers in a snowy summer wonderland
A beautiful scene of flowers in a snowy summer wonderland
Views: 53 times53
A summer surprise: Flowers coated in snow
A summer surprise: Flowers coated in snow
Views: 58 times58
Snow in summer: A unique and captivating photo of flowers
Snow in summer: A unique and captivating photo of flowers
Views: 66 times66
An enchanting photo of flowers adorned in summer snow
An enchanting photo of flowers adorned in summer snow
Views: 56 times56
A captivating image of summer snow on blossoming flowers
A captivating image of summer snow on blossoming flowers
Views: 78 times78
Summer snow adds a magical touch to flower photography
Summer snow adds a magical touch to flower photography
Views: 69 times69
When seasons mix: Stunning flowers in summer snow
When seasons mix: Stunning flowers in summer snow
Views: 61 times61
A winter wonderland in summer: Flowers in snow
A winter wonderland in summer: Flowers in snow
Views: 48 times48
Unexpected beauty: Flowers in a summer snowstorm
Unexpected beauty: Flowers in a summer snowstorm
Views: 67 times67
A mesmerizing photo of flowers with summer snow
A mesmerizing photo of flowers with summer snow
Views: 57 times57
A beautiful contrast: Snow in summer on flowers
A beautiful contrast: Snow in summer on flowers
Views: 70 times70
Summer snowfall: A magical scene on my flowers
Summer snowfall: A magical scene on my flowers
Views: 67 times67
A beautiful summer surprise: Snow on my flowers
A beautiful summer surprise: Snow on my flowers
Views: 79 times79
A picturesque moment: Flowers dusted with summer snow
A picturesque moment: Flowers dusted with summer snow
Views: 52 times52
A stunning photo of flowers covered in summer snow
A stunning photo of flowers covered in summer snow
Views: 55 times55
Flowers blanketed in snow: A rare sight in summer
Flowers blanketed in snow: A rare sight in summer
Views: 59 times59
A breathtaking moment captured: Flowers in summer snow
A breathtaking moment captured: Flowers in summer snow
Views: 53 times53
A rare and stunning image: Flowers in summer snow
A rare and stunning image: Flowers in summer snow
Views: 63 times63
A rare moment captured: Flowers in the midst of summer snow
A rare moment captured: Flowers in the midst of summer snow
Views: 70 times70
A stunning sight: Flowers in the midst of summer snow
A stunning sight: Flowers in the midst of summer snow
Views: 54 times54
A floral winter wonderland: Snow in summer
A floral winter wonderland: Snow in summer
Views: 66 times66
A unique and captivating image: Flowers in summer snow
A unique and captivating image: Flowers in summer snow
Views: 49 times49
Nature's wonder: Flowers coated in a summer snowfall
Nature's wonder: Flowers coated in a summer snowfall
Views: 91 times91
A rare sight: Flowers blanketed in summer snow
A rare sight: Flowers blanketed in summer snow
Views: 64 times64
Summer snowflakes: A magical moment on my flowers
Summer snowflakes: A magical moment on my flowers
Views: 48 times48
A winter wonderland surprise: Flowers in summer snow
A winter wonderland surprise: Flowers in summer snow
Views: 54 times54
A picturesque scene: Flowers in a summer snowfall
A picturesque scene: Flowers in a summer snowfall
Views: 52 times52
A beautiful contrast: Flowers in snow during summer
A beautiful contrast: Flowers in snow during summer
Views: 77 times77
A mesmerizing image of summer snow on flowers
A mesmerizing image of summer snow on flowers
Views: 52 times52
A mesmerizing photo of flowers in a summer snowstorm
A mesmerizing photo of flowers in a summer snowstorm
Views: 52 times52
Flowers in a winter wonderland: A summer snow phenomenon
Flowers in a winter wonderland: A summer snow phenomenon
Views: 68 times68
A beautiful scene of flowers in a snowy summer wonderland
A beautiful scene of flowers in a snowy summer wonderland
Views: 53 times53
Unexpected beauty: Flowers covered in summer snow
Unexpected beauty: Flowers covered in summer snow
Views: 85 times85
Snow in summer brings a unique twist to flower photography
Snow in summer brings a unique twist to flower photography
Views: 76 times76

Snow in Summer: A Guide to the Flowers That Bloom in the Winter Months

When we think of flowers, we usually think of the warm, sunny months of spring and summer, when gardens are awash with color and fragrance. But did you know that there are many flowers that bloom in the winter months, even in the coldest and snowiest of climates? In this article, we’ll explore the world of winter-blooming flowers and how to care for them.

What are Winter-Blooming Flowers?

Winter-blooming flowers are plants that flower during the colder months of the year, usually from December to February. These plants have adapted to the harsh conditions of winter and are able to survive and even thrive in the snow and cold.

Why Do Flowers Bloom in Winter?

Plants that bloom in winter have evolved to take advantage of the shorter days and longer nights of the season. The reduced daylight triggers the production of certain hormones that promote flowering. Additionally, many winter-blooming flowers have evolved to be pollinated by insects that are active during the winter months, such as winter moths.

Snow in Summer

One of the most striking winter-blooming flowers is the snow in summer (Cerastium tomentosum). Despite its name, this plant is not actually related to snow or even to summer, but is a member of the carnation family. Snow in summer is a low-growing, spreading plant that produces masses of small, white flowers from December to February. Its silvery foliage provides a beautiful contrast to the snow and ice of winter.

Other Winter-Blooming Flowers

Snow in summer is just one of many winter-blooming flowers that can add color and interest to your winter garden. Here are a few others to consider:

Winter Jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum)

Winter jasmine is a deciduous shrub that produces bright yellow flowers from January to March. It is easy to grow and can be trained to climb walls or trellises.

Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger)

The Christmas rose is a perennial that produces white or pink flowers from December to March. It prefers shady, moist conditions and can be grown in containers or in the ground.

Witch Hazel (Hamamelis mollis)

Witch hazel is a shrub or small tree that produces fragrant, yellow or orange flowers from December to February. It prefers well-drained soil and partial shade.

Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis)

Winter aconite is a bulbous perennial that produces bright yellow flowers from January to March. It prefers moist soil and can be grown in rock gardens or under trees.

How to Care for Winter-Blooming Flowers

Winter-blooming flowers require a little extra care to ensure that they thrive in the cold and snow. Here are a few tips:

Plant in the Right Location

Most winter-blooming flowers prefer well-drained soil and partial shade. Make sure to plant them in a location that gets some sunlight but is protected from harsh winds.

Water Regularly

Winter-blooming flowers still need water, even in the cold. Make sure to water them regularly, but don’t over-water, as this can lead to root rot.


Mulching around the base of your winter-blooming flowers can help to protect their roots from the cold and snow.


Prune your winter-blooming flowers after they have finished flowering to promote healthy growth and prevent disease.


Winter-blooming flowers are a wonderful addition to any garden, adding color and interest during the cold and snowy months of the year. With a little extra care, these plants can thrive in even the harshest of conditions. So why not add some snow in summer, winter jasmine, or witch hazel to your garden this winter? Your garden (and your soul) will thank you.

Frequently asked questions about Snow in summer wallpapers

Q: What is "Snow in summer"?
"A Snow in summer" is a type of flower that blooms in the summer season. It is also known as "Cerastium tomentosum".
Q: How many pictures of "Snow in summer" flowers are available on the website?
We have 55 pictures of "Snow in summer" flowers available for download on our website.
Q: Can I download these pictures for free?
Yes, all the pictures of "Snow in summer" flowers are available for free download on our website.
Q: In which file formats are these pictures available for download?
You can download these pictures in three different file formats - .jpg, .png, and .webp.
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