Tom Xaver Pictures

Date: March 21, 2023 March 21, 2023
Total Images: 28 28
Views: 86 86
Yuna Kimura
Anime enthusiast & editor
The true identity of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan
The true identity of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan
Views: 70 times70
The impact of Tom Xaver's actions in Attack on Titan
The impact of Tom Xaver's actions in Attack on Titan
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Tom Xaver's connection to the Survey Corps in Attack on Titan
Tom Xaver's connection to the Survey Corps in Attack on Titan
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Tom Xaver's involvement in the history of Attack on Titan
Tom Xaver's involvement in the history of Attack on Titan
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The influence of Tom Xaver's decisions in Attack on Titan
The influence of Tom Xaver's decisions in Attack on Titan
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The enigmatic personality of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan
The enigmatic personality of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan
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The mysterious origins of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan
The mysterious origins of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan
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Tom Xaver's role in the battle against the Titans in Attack on Titan
Tom Xaver's role in the battle against the Titans in Attack on Titan
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The impact of Tom Xaver's death in Attack on Titan
The impact of Tom Xaver's death in Attack on Titan
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The backstory of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan
The backstory of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan
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The impact of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan's storyline
The impact of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan's storyline
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Tom Xaver's importance in the future of Attack on Titan
Tom Xaver's importance in the future of Attack on Titan
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A closer look at Tom Xaver from Attack on Titan
A closer look at Tom Xaver from Attack on Titan
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The secrets behind Tom Xaver's character in Attack on Titan
The secrets behind Tom Xaver's character in Attack on Titan
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The impact of Tom Xaver's legacy in Attack on Titan
The impact of Tom Xaver's legacy in Attack on Titan
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The role of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan revealed
The role of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan revealed
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Tom Xaver's role in shaping Attack on Titan's story
Tom Xaver's role in shaping Attack on Titan's story
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Tom Xaver's significance in Attack on Titan's plot
Tom Xaver's significance in Attack on Titan's plot
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Tom Xaver: The enigma of Attack on Titan
Tom Xaver: The enigma of Attack on Titan
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Tom Xaver's connection to the Titans in Attack on Titan
Tom Xaver's connection to the Titans in Attack on Titan
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Tom Xaver's hidden agenda in Attack on Titan
Tom Xaver's hidden agenda in Attack on Titan
Views: 64 times64
The mysterious character of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan
The mysterious character of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan
Views: 64 times64
The influence of Tom Xaver's motivations in Attack on Titan
The influence of Tom Xaver's motivations in Attack on Titan
Views: 83 times83
Tom Xaver's appearance in Attack on Titan
Tom Xaver's appearance in Attack on Titan
Views: 69 times69
The influence of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan's world
The influence of Tom Xaver in Attack on Titan's world
Views: 76 times76
The evolution of Tom Xaver's character in Attack on Titan
The evolution of Tom Xaver's character in Attack on Titan
Views: 83 times83
The significance of Tom Xaver's appearance in Attack on Titan
The significance of Tom Xaver's appearance in Attack on Titan
Views: 60 times60
Tom Xaver's involvement in the downfall of the Titans in Attack on Titan
Tom Xaver's involvement in the downfall of the Titans in Attack on Titan
Views: 84 times84

Tom Xaver: The Tragic Tale of a Warrior


In the world of Attack on Titan, Tom Xaver is a relatively minor character, but his story is one of the most tragic in the series. A former Warrior of Marley, Tom was a man who wanted nothing more than to live a peaceful life with his family. However, his loyalty to his country and his duty as a warrior ultimately led to his downfall. In this article, we will explore the life of Tom Xaver and how his story fits into the larger narrative of Attack on Titan.

Early Life

Tom Xaver was born in the nation of Marley, a country that used Titans as weapons of war. As a child, Tom showed no particular talent or interest in becoming a Warrior, but he was nonetheless selected for the program due to his Eldian heritage. The Eldians were a race of people who possessed the ability to transform into Titans, and they were often persecuted by the Marleyan government. Tom underwent the grueling Warrior training program, where he was taught how to control his Titan form and use it as a weapon. He was eventually assigned to the same unit as Zeke Yeager, the son of Grisha Yeager, a former Eldian doctor who had defected to Marley.

Life as a Warrior

As a Warrior, Tom Xaver was tasked with infiltrating the walls of Paradis Island, where the last remaining Eldians lived. His unit was responsible for the capture of the Founding Titan, a powerful Titan that had the ability to control other Titans. However, Tom began to question his loyalty to Marley when he witnessed the horrors of war firsthand. He saw innocent people being killed and cities being destroyed, and he began to wonder if the Marleyan government was really doing the right thing. Despite his doubts, Tom continued to carry out his duties as a Warrior. He even developed a close relationship with Zeke Yeager, who shared his doubts about the Marleyan government. However, their friendship would eventually lead to Tom's downfall.

The Tragic End

During a mission to capture the Founding Titan, Tom Xaver was gravely injured and was unable to transform into his Titan form. Zeke Yeager, who had been tasked with carrying out the mission, realized that he would not be able to capture the Founding Titan without Tom's help. In a moment of desperation, Zeke revealed his true intentions to Tom. He told him that he planned to use the Founding Titan to euthanize all Eldians, including themselves, in order to end their suffering. Zeke believed that this was the only way to end the cycle of violence that had plagued their world for generations. Tom was horrified by Zeke's plan, but he felt that he had no choice but to go along with it. He believed that it was his duty as a Warrior to obey his superiors, no matter what. In the end, Tom Xaver sacrificed himself to help Zeke capture the Founding Titan. He was killed by a group of Paradisian soldiers, who had been tipped off by a traitor within Zeke's unit.


Tom Xaver's story is a tragic one, but it is also an important one. His character represents the conflict that many people face when they are forced to choose between their loyalty to their country and their own moral convictions. Tom's legacy lives on through his daughter, Kiyomi, who appears later in the series. Kiyomi is a successful businesswoman who helps to finance the Paradisian military in their fight against Marley. Although she never knew her father, Kiyomi is proud of his sacrifice and the role that he played in shaping her own beliefs and values.


Tom Xaver may not have been a major character in Attack on Titan, but his story is a powerful one. He was a man who wanted nothing more than to live a peaceful life with his family, but he was forced to become a Warrior and fight in a war that he did not believe in. In the end, his loyalty to his country and his duty as a Warrior led to his tragic demise. Tom Xaver's story is a reminder that war is never simple, and that the choices that we make can have far-reaching consequences. It is up to each of us to decide what we believe in and to stand up for our convictions, even when it is difficult or unpopular to do so.

Frequently asked questions about Tom Xaver wallpapers

Q: What are Tom Xaver pictures?
Tom Xaver pictures are a collection of images related to the "Attack on Titan" anime series that users can download for free from our website.
Q: How many pictures are available in the Tom Xaver category?
Currently, we have 28 pictures available in the Tom Xaver category.
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