Attack on Titan is an anime series that has captured the hearts of many fans worldwide. The story is set in a world where humanity lives in cities surrounded by massive walls to protect themselves from Titans, humanoid giants who devour humans without any reason. The series follows the story of Eren Yeager, who vows to destroy all Titans after they killed his mother. Along with his friends, Mikasa and Armin, Eren joins the Survey Corps, a military branch dedicated to fighting Titans. In this article, we will discuss Varis, a character from the series, and his role in the story.
Who is Varis?
Varis is a minor character in Attack on Titan. He is a soldier who serves under the command of Captain Levi in the Survey Corps. Varis is known for his exceptional skills as a scout and his quick thinking in dangerous situations. He is also shown to be a loyal and dedicated soldier who is willing to risk his life for the safety of his comrades.
Varis in the Story
Varis first appears in the series during the Battle of Trost, where Titans breach the outer wall of the city. He is part of the team tasked with sealing the hole in the wall to prevent more Titans from entering. During the battle, Varis demonstrates his skills as a scout by using his maneuver gear to move quickly and avoid the Titans. He also helps his fellow soldiers by providing cover fire and distracting the Titans. After the Battle of Trost, Varis is assigned to the Survey Corps under the command of Captain Levi. In his new role, Varis continues to prove his worth as a skilled scout and a valuable asset to the team. He participates in several missions, including the Female Titan Expedition and the Battle of Shiganshina. During the Battle of Shiganshina, Varis is part of the team tasked with rescuing Eren and Historia from the Titan-infested city. However, the mission is quickly compromised when the Beast Titan appears and starts throwing boulders at the soldiers. Varis and his comrades are forced to take cover behind buildings and defend themselves from the Titans. Despite the overwhelming odds, Varis remains calm and focused, coming up with a plan to take down the Beast Titan. He suggests using explosives to blow up the buildings around the Beast Titan, trapping it and preventing it from throwing more boulders. The plan works, and the Survey Corps is able to capture the Beast Titan.
Varis' Personality and Traits
Varis is known for his exceptional skills as a scout, but he also has a unique personality that sets him apart from other soldiers in the series. He is shown to be calm and level-headed in dangerous situations, able to think quickly and come up with a plan. He is also loyal and dedicated to his comrades, willing to risk his life to protect them. Varis is also shown to be a bit of a jokester, often making sarcastic comments and teasing his fellow soldiers. This sense of humor helps to lighten the mood during stressful situations and shows that Varis is not just a skilled soldier but also a relatable and likable character.
Varis may be a minor character in Attack on Titan, but he plays an important role in the story. As a skilled scout and a loyal soldier, Varis proves himself time and time again, risking his life to protect his comrades and fight against the Titans. His quick thinking and sense of humor make him a memorable character in the series, and fans continue to admire him for his bravery and dedication.
Frequently asked questions about Varis wallpapers
Q: What is Varis pictures?
Varis pictures is a website where you can download pictures with "Varis" in the "Attack on Titan" category.
Q: How many images are available on Varis pictures?
There are 22 images available for download on Varis pictures.
Q: Can I download the images for free?
Yes, all images on Varis pictures can be downloaded for free.
Q: What file types are available for download?
You can download the images in .jpg, .png, and .webp file types.
Q: Can I choose different sizes for the images?
Yes, you can choose different sizes for the images by selecting the width and height you prefer.
Q: Will the website automatically detect my mobile screen size?
Yes, the website will automatically detect your mobile screen size and choose the right size for you.
Q: Do I need to create an account to download the images?
No, you do not need to create an account to download the images.
Q: Can I use the images for commercial purposes?
The images on Varis pictures are for personal use only. If you want to use them for commercial purposes, you need to contact the owner of the images.
Q: Can I modify the images?
Yes, you can modify the images to fit your needs.
Q: Can I share the images with others?
Yes, you can share the images with others as long as you do not claim ownership of them.