Black-eyed Susan Pictures

Date: April 03, 2023 April 03, 2023
Total Images: 53 53
Views: 45 45
Emily Johnson
A vibrant image of Black-eyed Susan in a meadow
A vibrant image of Black-eyed Susan in a meadow
Views: 35 times35
A stunning flower picture featuring Black-eyed Susan
A stunning flower picture featuring Black-eyed Susan
Views: 37 times37
Black-eyed Susan up close and personal in this picture
Black-eyed Susan up close and personal in this picture
Views: 38 times38
Vibrant colors of Black-eyed Susan in this photo
Vibrant colors of Black-eyed Susan in this photo
Views: 34 times34
The striking colors of Black-eyed Susan in a photo
The striking colors of Black-eyed Susan in a photo
Views: 37 times37
Captivating photo of Black-eyed Susan against a blue sky
Captivating photo of Black-eyed Susan against a blue sky
Views: 38 times38
A stunning close-up photo of Black-eyed Susan
A stunning close-up photo of Black-eyed Susan
Views: 37 times37
A stunning photo of Black-eyed Susan in full bloom
A stunning photo of Black-eyed Susan in full bloom
Views: 37 times37
The vibrant beauty of Black-eyed Susan captured in an image
The vibrant beauty of Black-eyed Susan captured in an image
Views: 40 times40
Black-eyed Susan shining bright in this beautiful photo
Black-eyed Susan shining bright in this beautiful photo
Views: 35 times35
The perfect photo of Black-eyed Susan in a garden setting
The perfect photo of Black-eyed Susan in a garden setting
Views: 38 times38
The perfect shot of Black-eyed Susan in full glory
The perfect shot of Black-eyed Susan in full glory
Views: 38 times38
A beautiful image of Black-eyed Susan in the summer sun
A beautiful image of Black-eyed Susan in the summer sun
Views: 36 times36
A stunning floral photo featuring Black-eyed Susan
A stunning floral photo featuring Black-eyed Susan
Views: 40 times40
A beautiful image of Black-eyed Susan in the wild
A beautiful image of Black-eyed Susan in the wild
Views: 36 times36
A picture-perfect moment with Black-eyed Susan
A picture-perfect moment with Black-eyed Susan
Views: 36 times36
A breathtaking image of Black-eyed Susan in its natural habitat
A breathtaking image of Black-eyed Susan in its natural habitat
Views: 37 times37
Stunning Black-eyed Susan captured in this image
Stunning Black-eyed Susan captured in this image
Views: 35 times35
A stunning photo of Black-eyed Susan in a garden bed
A stunning photo of Black-eyed Susan in a garden bed
Views: 39 times39
Captivating Black-eyed Susan photo
Captivating Black-eyed Susan photo
Views: 35 times35
A stunning photo of Black-eyed Susan in a vase
A stunning photo of Black-eyed Susan in a vase
Views: 35 times35
A beautiful photo of Black-eyed Susan in the morning light
A beautiful photo of Black-eyed Susan in the morning light
Views: 36 times36
The vibrant colors of Black-eyed Susan in a photo
The vibrant colors of Black-eyed Susan in a photo
Views: 38 times38
A breathtaking photo of Black-eyed Susan
A breathtaking photo of Black-eyed Susan
Views: 33 times33
Gorgeous Black-eyed Susan flower image
Gorgeous Black-eyed Susan flower image
Views: 39 times39
Amazing Black-eyed Susan photo for your home decor
Amazing Black-eyed Susan photo for your home decor
Views: 42 times42
A striking image of Black-eyed Susan in a bouquet
A striking image of Black-eyed Susan in a bouquet
Views: 39 times39
The striking beauty of Black-eyed Susan in this image
The striking beauty of Black-eyed Susan in this image
Views: 37 times37
A beautiful picture of Black-eyed Susan in a summer field
A beautiful picture of Black-eyed Susan in a summer field
Views: 40 times40
A beautiful image of Black-eyed Susan in the garden
A beautiful image of Black-eyed Susan in the garden
Views: 36 times36
Black-eyed Susan in all its glory in this flower picture
Black-eyed Susan in all its glory in this flower picture
Views: 34 times34
A beautiful image of Black-eyed Susan in a natural setting
A beautiful image of Black-eyed Susan in a natural setting
Views: 38 times38
A close-up of Black-eyed Susan in this flower image
A close-up of Black-eyed Susan in this flower image
Views: 35 times35
Black-eyed Susan captured in its natural habitat in this image
Black-eyed Susan captured in its natural habitat in this image
Views: 36 times36
Vibrant Black-eyed Susan captured in this picture
Vibrant Black-eyed Susan captured in this picture
Views: 40 times40
Black-eyed Susan in its natural beauty in this flower image
Black-eyed Susan in its natural beauty in this flower image
Views: 36 times36
A captivating picture of Black-eyed Susan in the garden
A captivating picture of Black-eyed Susan in the garden
Views: 36 times36
Black-eyed Susan in all its beauty in this flower photo
Black-eyed Susan in all its beauty in this flower photo
Views: 36 times36
A breathtaking photo of Black-eyed Susan against a green backdrop
A breathtaking photo of Black-eyed Susan against a green backdrop
Views: 35 times35
Black-eyed Susan in full glory in this flower picture
Black-eyed Susan in full glory in this flower picture
Views: 38 times38
A stunning photo of Black-eyed Susan in full bloom
A stunning photo of Black-eyed Susan in full bloom
Views: 34 times34
Black-eyed Susan shining bright in this beautiful flower photo
Black-eyed Susan shining bright in this beautiful flower photo
Views: 36 times36
Picture perfect Black-eyed Susan in full bloom
Picture perfect Black-eyed Susan in full bloom
Views: 35 times35
Black-eyed Susan in its natural beauty in this stunning picture
Black-eyed Susan in its natural beauty in this stunning picture
Views: 39 times39
Black-eyed Susan in full bloom in this stunning flower picture
Black-eyed Susan in full bloom in this stunning flower picture
Views: 39 times39
A beautiful image of Black-eyed Susan for your desktop wallpaper
A beautiful image of Black-eyed Susan for your desktop wallpaper
Views: 38 times38
Black-eyed Susan captured in this gorgeous flower photo
Black-eyed Susan captured in this gorgeous flower photo
Views: 39 times39
A close-up of Black-eyed Susan in this mesmerizing image
A close-up of Black-eyed Susan in this mesmerizing image
Views: 37 times37
Stunning Black-eyed Susan blooms in this flower photo
Stunning Black-eyed Susan blooms in this flower photo
Views: 38 times38
A beautiful image of Black-eyed Susan in a field of flowers
A beautiful image of Black-eyed Susan in a field of flowers
Views: 38 times38
Beautiful Black-eyed Susan image for your garden inspiration
Beautiful Black-eyed Susan image for your garden inspiration
Views: 35 times35
The natural beauty of Black-eyed Susan in this picture
The natural beauty of Black-eyed Susan in this picture
Views: 36 times36
The natural beauty of Black-eyed Susan captured in a photo
The natural beauty of Black-eyed Susan captured in a photo
Views: 40 times40

Black-eyed Susan: A Vibrant Summer Flower

Flowers are a symbol of beauty, love, and happiness. They come in various colors and shapes, each possessing its unique charm. Among the many flowers that bloom in summer, Black-eyed Susan stands out with its vibrant yellow petals and dark brown center. This flower is not just a treat to the eyes but also has a significant place in the world of gardening and horticulture. In this article, we will learn more about Black-eyed Susan, its origin, features, and ways to grow and care for it.

Origin and Description

Black-eyed Susan, also known as Rudbeckia hirta, belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is native to North America and grows wild in many parts of the United States, from the east coast to the west coast. The flower's name comes from the dark brown, almost black, center of the flower that resembles a human eye. The petals are bright yellow, and the leaves are rough and hairy, making them an excellent plant for wildlife. Black-eyed Susan is a perennial plant that can grow up to 3 feet tall, with a spread of 18-24 inches. It is a hardy plant that can survive in various soil types and climates. The flowers bloom in summer and last until the first frost, providing a colorful display for months.

Features and Varieties

Black-eyed Susan has several features that make it an attractive plant for gardeners. Some of the notable features are: - Vibrant yellow petals that add color to any garden - Long blooming period, making it a favorite for summer gardens - Drought-tolerant and easy to grow, making it suitable for novice gardeners - Attracts pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and birds, making it an excellent plant for wildlife gardens - Self-seeding, meaning the plant can reproduce itself without the need for replanting - Hardy and disease-resistant, making it a low-maintenance plant. There are several varieties of Black-eyed Susan, each with its unique features. Some of the popular varieties are: 1. 'Goldsturm': This variety has bright yellow petals with a dark brown center. It grows up to 2 feet tall and is ideal for borders and mass planting. 2. 'Irish Eyes': This variety has greenish-yellow petals with a dark brown center, making it stand out from the usual yellow blooms. It grows up to 3 feet tall and is ideal for cut flower arrangements. 3. 'Autumn Colors': This variety has a mix of yellow, orange, and red petals with a dark brown center. It grows up to 3 feet tall and is ideal for adding a pop of color to fall gardens.

How to Grow Black-eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan is an easy plant to grow, making it a favorite for novice gardeners. Here are the steps to grow Black-eyed Susan:

Step 1: Choose the Right Location

Black-eyed Susan thrives in full sun, meaning it needs at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. Choose a location that receives plenty of sunlight and has well-draining soil. The plant can tolerate various soil types but prefers slightly acidic to neutral soil.

Step 2: Planting

Black-eyed Susan can be grown from seeds or transplants. If you are starting from seeds, plant them in the spring or fall, 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Sow the seeds 1/4 inch deep and 12-18 inches apart. Water the seeds regularly until they germinate. If you are using transplants, plant them in the spring or fall, 12-18 inches apart. Water the plants regularly until they establish.

Step 3: Watering and Fertilizing

Black-eyed Susan is a drought-tolerant plant, meaning it can survive in dry conditions. However, it still needs regular watering during the growing season, especially during hot and dry spells. Water the plant deeply once a week, or more if the soil is dry. Black-eyed Susan does not require fertilization, but you can add a slow-release fertilizer in the spring to boost growth.

Step 4: Maintenance

Black-eyed Susan is a low-maintenance plant that requires minimal care. Deadhead the flowers regularly to promote more blooms and prevent self-seeding. Cut back the plant in the fall after the first frost to prevent the plant from becoming too woody.

Black-eyed Susan in Landscaping

Black-eyed Susan is a versatile plant that can be used in various landscaping styles. Here are some ways to incorporate Black-eyed Susan into your landscape:

1. Cottage Garden

Black-eyed Susan is a perfect plant for a cottage garden. Its bright yellow petals and self-seeding habit add a rustic charm to the garden. Pair it with other wildflowers, such as coneflower and bee balm, for a colorful display.

2. Wildlife Garden

Black-eyed Susan is an excellent plant for a wildlife garden. Its nectar-rich flowers attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and birds, making it a vital plant for the ecosystem. Pair it with other wildlife-friendly plants, such as milkweed and goldenrod, for a thriving garden.

3. Mass Planting

Black-eyed Susan is ideal for mass planting. Its bright yellow petals add a pop of color to any garden, and its self-seeding habit means you can plant it once and enjoy it for years to come. Plant it in a group for a dramatic effect.


Black-eyed Susan is a vibrant summer flower that adds color to any garden. It is a hardy plant that requires minimal care and attracts pollinators, making it an excellent plant for wildlife gardens. With its long blooming period and self-seeding habit, Black-eyed Susan is a favorite for gardeners and landscapers alike. Plant it in your garden and enjoy the beautiful display of yellow petals all summer long.

Frequently asked questions about Black-eyed Susan wallpapers

What are Black-eyed Susan pictures?
Black-eyed Susan pictures are a collection of high-quality images featuring the beautiful Black-eyed Susan flower.
What is Black-eyed Susan?
Black-eyed Susan is a type of flowering plant that belongs to the sunflower family. It is native to North America and is known for its bright yellow petals and dark brown center.
How many Black-eyed Susan pictures are available on your website?
We currently have 53 Black-eyed Susan pictures available for download on our website.
Can I download Black-eyed Susan pictures for free?
Yes, you can download all of our Black-eyed Susan pictures for free.
What file types are available for download?
You can choose to download Black-eyed Susan pictures in .jpg, .png, and .webp file formats.
Can I choose the size of the Black-eyed Susan pictures I download?
Yes, you can choose the size of the Black-eyed Susan pictures you download by selecting the desired width and height.
Will the website automatically detect the right size for my mobile device?
Yes, our website is designed to automatically detect the screen size of your mobile device and provide you with the appropriate size for optimal viewing.
What can I use Black-eyed Susan pictures for?
You can use Black-eyed Susan pictures for personal or commercial use, such as for blog posts, social media, website design, or any other creative project.
Do I need to credit the photographer or your website if I use Black-eyed Susan pictures?
While we appreciate attribution, it is not required to use our Black-eyed Susan pictures. However, if you use them for commercial purposes, you may need to check the licensing terms of the specific image to ensure compliance.
Are the Black-eyed Susan pictures royalty-free?
Yes, all of our Black-eyed Susan pictures are royalty-free, which means you can use them without paying any additional fees.
Can I share Black-eyed Susan pictures with others?
Yes, you can share our Black-eyed Susan pictures with others by providing them with the link to our website where they can download the images.